Besides big quint (who is the og of reaction videos) keep
This is Quints last good video before he fell off. IYKYK
Meami is cool
RT @Childhood
Ain’t these the two coons
Lmaoooo I’m almost positive you mean the hodge twins
Meami is cool
RT @Childhood
Ehhh he aight still but kinda corny nowadays
Lmaoooo I’m almost positive you mean the hodge twins
Yeah them got it mixed up my b
i watch a lot of reactions tbh
jon denton is good
that guy with his son is also good
meami cool
anyone else kinda bad
especially shawn cee's ass
Ain’t these the two coons
Can’t be true
Only Mallory bros good
Love Jen Denton and the duo in OP
I also like Blake McClain for pop stuff. He can be kind of arrogant but he knows his s***
Ehhh he aight still but kinda corny nowadays
Only reaction person I’ve seen have genuine pleasure listening to Gunna
This is Quints last good video before he fell off. IYKYK
he really invented this in like 2011. pioneer
he really invented this in like 2011. pioneer
Founding father for real
I seen a video pop up of a dude reacting to a two hour trap lore ross video of him breaking down niggas killing each other in Jacksonville
Only reaction person I’ve seen have genuine pleasure listening to Gunna
he real 4 that
Those Weeknd tapes reactions
That DD first reaction is one of a kind
Meami is cool
RT @Childhood
Meami corny af and is just extra as hell now