  • Sep 4, 2023

    I have been struggling with mental health conditions my entire life.
    Without getting too deep into things, my OCD made life extremely difficult until around 16, with the last few years making it basically impossible for me to function in any way.
    However I got better, over years, and began building toward healing the wounds that I gathered throughout the process, eventually finally getting to a point where I could handle responsibilities and even overcome my generalized anxiety enough to take risks and try to get out there socially.
    Then COVID hit.
    I was isolated socially, and surrounded by stressful stimuli, leading me to backslide so hard that now I believe I am worse than I ever was before.
    I can function on a basic enough level to go to work and bathe and things like that, and I see my friends occasionally, as I was eventually able to link with them after COVID, however I have found it impossible to make any forward progress with anything in my life.
    I’m just treading water, and slowly slipping back down again.
    I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas on how to handle things like depression or combat the backslide of progress we can experience. Thanks in advance.

    TLDR LINE: After spending years recovering from OCD as a child and teenager, COVID knocked me down so hard I don’t know how to get back up, and it’s been years now. Please help.

  • Sep 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I listen to music

  • Sep 4, 2023
    1 reply

    get a fat ass pump

  • Sep 4, 2023
    paradise valley

    I listen to music

    Yeah, that definitely helps in the moment for sure.
    It’s a go to coping method for me.
    However, I still have a hard time really getting to a better place overall.
    Even still, the music definitely helps, lol

  • Sep 4, 2023
    1 reply

    get a fat ass pump

    For sure. Working out was one of the biggest ways I got better the first time around.
    I work out one day a week now, but I think I need to start doing it more often.
    It’s just harder now because I used to have a gym right by where I was living, but now it’s pretty far away.
    Either way I know I have to do it, I just have to make myself do it. That’s one of the hardest parts though, lol

  • Sep 4, 2023
    1 reply

    What are some things you generally enjoy?

    Me personally, going on walking with music in ear around the lake is pretty relaxing, it calm my nerves so much.

  • Sep 4, 2023


  • Sep 4, 2023

    honestly, i dont think ur alone. americans especially never recovered socially from the pandemic, especially where i live because everyone was already so reserved. i dont know about ur support system, but i say pick up a new hobby or make a new friend. romanticize ur tasks

  • Sep 4, 2023

    Reading scripture if Christian and reading “the power of positive thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale.

  • Sep 4, 2023

    You have to get focused on self improvement. Skin care, hygiene. Working out. Sounds cliche but it works but not every day is sunny. It’s ok to have down days but don’t make it the majority fam. U got this

  • Sep 4, 2023
    Shady Ant

    For sure. Working out was one of the biggest ways I got better the first time around.
    I work out one day a week now, but I think I need to start doing it more often.
    It’s just harder now because I used to have a gym right by where I was living, but now it’s pretty far away.
    Either way I know I have to do it, I just have to make myself do it. That’s one of the hardest parts though, lol

    I’m a calisthenics guy because I’m legit uncomfortable in the gym. Also calisthenics are sorta underrated and are great for increasing mobility which is like movement based strength and skillsets. You basically get to feel slightly like a ninja cause you’re just moving so fluidly compared to before you probably won’t become jacked but it’s high key a little overrated and unnecessary if you have weight issues cause imo you risk overeating and worsening the issues. If anything being big, I think anybody who’s a bit bigger and may struggle with basic movement could use all the help they could with it and I’m convinced calisthenics is objectively more helpful for that than pumping weights ever was at least for me

  • Sep 4, 2023

    I don't

  • Sep 4, 2023
    1 reply

    It's getting worse

  • Sep 4, 2023

    In general I’ve dealt with ocd like symptoms in the past and the thing that got me past it was learning to be mindful. If possible watch this Neal Brennan interview with Howie. Howie has struggled extensively (his whole life) with crippling OCD and the way he talks about it definitely strikes a chord

    But yeah high key mindfulness is the way to go. Also if I can offer this helpful but slightly absurd tip, the basic trick to it is called exposure therapy and it just means gradually building up your ability to withstand your OCD phobias and hang ups. So like if you’re afraid of touching certain surfaces, you just have to build up to it and if you get super s***ty thoughts, accept them and don’t try to do anything about them just let them be. Over time you build up bravery and you get over these phobias possibly. If possible do this with a therapist or someone trained to help people with OCD because it could be difficult on your own. But if money is an issue, I’d say just go for it by yourself. The pay off is worth the uncomfortable feelings and it’s better than feeling like you ain’t s*** for the rest of your life.

  • Sep 4, 2023

    These five words will change your life:

    It is what it is

  • Sep 4, 2023
  • Sep 4, 2023

    It's getting worse

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 4, 2023

    give myself a break and just start where I'm at

  • substance abuse til I find reason in life again

  • AR15 💯
    Sep 4, 2023

    Talk to a psychiatrist, they will help.

    You can fix yourself but it takes a strong mind, massive life changes, and extreme self discipline its not easy for most ppl with mental health problems.

  • Sep 4, 2023

    be humble take the L; start again

  • Sep 4, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    What are some things you generally enjoy?

    Me personally, going on walking with music in ear around the lake is pretty relaxing, it calm my nerves so much.

    I love listening to and making music, video games, and spending time with friends.
    They all help a ton, and I think it’d be impossible without them giving me respite from the stresses of life