if you got mouths to feed you got no choice
but you a stupid nigga if you're 20 something with no responsibilities or obligations and willingly choose not to strive for something greater
Trying to do all I can to end up in an interesting position. Besides that gonna always be jumping around n keeping things fresh. I don’t think I could do the same place for 20+ years like some do
how else you gonna live
some niggas like me got it 60+ a week u just gotta deal with it
You simply don’t choose to live that lifestyle. Not everyone’s meant to be a worker bee on someone else’s dime day in and out
F*** you propose we do?
Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.
I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.
I'm going to slack off as much as I possibly can. not challenging myself at all just trying to get a job where I can make decent money putting in a tiny level of effort
Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.
I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.
What kinda business you got?
I hate work too but it's not about a dream job or any of that s***. It's finding something bearable to pay for the s*** you actually wanna do, something with upwards growth. Go out and eat etc. Go to museums, do sports.
Sure as s*** beats sitting on my ass all day playing video games, beating off, then going to gym and coming home to beat off again
No way you unemployed with a girl unless y'all both unemployed, in which case what the hell y'all gone be doing? Can't be going out and if you slip up while f***in you gotta end up paying for something. No employed woman worth a damn is gonna lay up with you for more than a month or two.
So either work or be a no life and that no life s*** gets very old extremely fast. I'm in between jobs rn living off savings waiting on if the career I really want is gonna hire me or if I'm gonna have to work in another warehouse or construction gig and don't want to do either.
So I'm legitimately depressed, 40 hours of a bearable job is the best.
yeah and also another thing is I'm going to try to always have a job where I can listen to music basically the entire time
Start a business. It doesn't even have to be anything grand. It can be small. Helped me keep my sanity. These days I feel like I'm actually LIVING and not just surviving.
I know of a girl with tourettes who started a business from selling seashells on Etsy because no one would hire her. She's well off now off of a small Etsy store.
I’m planning rn got a business plan i think might be huge, but i’ll have to be a wagie for a couple years still
its a privilege to look at it as a choice to justify
imagine asking a nigga in a third world country getting paid in rice this lol