  • Dec 23, 2020

    I know everyone has their different ways and some don’t struggle but keeping track of a lot of current music (output is insane at this point) I find it difficult to even find time to listen to older music / the classics. I got my current yearly playlist which is a yearly dump of all the music (from 2013-now) but s*** like old JT albums, old Wayne, I never seemed to listen enough

    I know this ain’t a problem for a lot of people but yeah. Also how are your playlists sorted (no already curated playlists)

  • Dec 23, 2020

    With headphones or speakers

  • Dec 23, 2020

    i only listen to full albums, if i start a record n dont finish it up i pick up where i left off next time i listen to it
    Half of the time i listen to music its while commuting so with earphones or car speakers if im whippin
    Other times Im home, play it on my studio monitors and either stare at the ceiling or get up n dance by myself while I listen... or play videogames, or clean etc.

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Speakers are preferred. Headphones suffice. Full albums or Track Runs only. Stoned

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I press play on whatever I feel like listening to ATM whether current or throwback/old school

  • Dec 23, 2020
    3 replies

    Old things during the week, new things on friday/weekend

  • Dec 23, 2020

    I press play on whatever I feel like listening to ATM whether current or throwback/old school

    Yeah I use Apple Music and the like 6 albums per page thing sucks ass. It’s like they make it so difficult to see your library bc the album images are so large. Hence why I throw all new music in playlist to get a list view

  • Smuchador

    Old things during the week, new things on friday/weekend

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Just pick

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Idk, but I'm thinking about getting a fat pack of CD-Rs so I have physicals of stuff and don't forget about it. Digital stuff is so ethereal.

  • Dec 23, 2020

    I just play it. I don’t put to much thought in it. I’m 95% always listening to some music so that’s probably why

  • Banana 🍌
    Dec 23, 2020

    Keep the stuff I like downloaded in my itunes library and then listen to new/current music on apple music

  • THIB 🦌
    Dec 23, 2020

    with my ears

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Old things during the week, new things on friday/weekend

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Keeping up with all the music be a lot sometimes

    Especially when you're looking for new music and tryna listen to old projects on ur list,

  • Dec 23, 2020

    I haven't really listened to much music the last couple weeks but before I used to listen to new s*** when I was at home and of I enjoyed it then it got moved over to the car... Nowadays I barely listen to anything.

  • Smuchador

    Old things during the week, new things on friday/weekend

  • Dec 23, 2020

    I mostly listen to albums/projects front to back. I would do this at work, while playing melee, or whenever I’m laying in bed / doin computer stuff. If I don’t finish it then I pick up later on. I listen to playlists in the car. If it’s a long drive then I’ll put on an album. Not a big fan of playlists but sometimes I just want to play a single song and I’ll do that.