By not attaching yourself to anything material , you do still gotta find people who resonate w you which being in your 20s isn’t too hard imo
what keeps me optimistic is the fact ik i’m gonna be good cause my mind is already adapted to the way the future looks. It’s these people who don’t know how to let go of past structure and traditions who will be deteriorating mentally
I dont think its pointless, but I also didn't mean to personally attack you either
I just dont think it was the best advice since op is obviously lacking some sense of community
no offense taken! i appreciate your conversation and perspective.
I think a lot of people in society are lacking in community these days. The only 3 things keeping things together these days are athletics, religion, and drinking and a lot of people don't like to do any of those
You only gave OP 2 cents so he had to work on Christmas to get his son Timmy a present
Shiiiiiiiiet cuhhhh, lemme hold sum 💀
I completely agree, and I guess that's probably the part Scrooge (and all of us in general) need to focus on. Focus on actually loving ourselves and becoming a pleasant person to be around because the money can only make someone stay for so long if there isn't real love there.
But idk. Alot of people are just dumb a******s, so I hope luck is on your side and none of y'all run into one of them and marry them
loving ourselves and others
idk I definitely be seeing a lot of stuff that tests my faith in humanity but I feel like if you are in the mindset of "a lot of people are just dumb a******s" u already lost... I feel u tho
loving ourselves and others
idk I definitely be seeing a lot of stuff that tests my faith in humanity but I feel like if you are in the mindset of "a lot of people are just dumb a******s" u already lost... I feel u tho
it's true though. I mean... I don't think people are beyond saving, but it's not gonna be me spending/wasting my time doing it, you dig?
Like I can acknowledge that someone is a dumb a****** while also thinking they can change their ways.
I just got my own journey going on so I can't try and change/save every a****** I meet is what I mean
no offense taken! i appreciate your conversation and perspective.
I think a lot of people in society are lacking in community these days. The only 3 things keeping things together these days are athletics, religion, and drinking and a lot of people don't like to do any of those
see thats why I suggested exercise and church
drinking can definitely promote socializing as long as u aren't going overboard too, seems like you got some great stuff going for u that op could benefit from as well
it's true though. I mean... I don't think people are beyond saving, but it's not gonna be me spending/wasting my time doing it, you dig?
Like I can acknowledge that someone is a dumb a****** while also thinking they can change their ways.
I just got my own journey going on so I can't try and change/save every a****** I meet is what I mean
ya I feel u, its definitely important to take care of yourself first
your not gonna be an effective pillar for other people anyway if you urself are crumbling
see thats why I suggested exercise and church
drinking can definitely promote socializing as long as u aren't going overboard too, seems like you got some great stuff going for u that op could benefit from as well
I appreciate that but nah
I'm good at socializing and I'm not completely a scrooge yet but I'm still kind of a degenerate trying to shed his skin, and im struggling to find an actual high paying job
We'll all get there someday
ya I feel u, its definitely important to take care of yourself first
your not gonna be an effective pillar for other people anyway if you urself are crumbling
100% facts
I appreciate that but nah
I'm good at socializing and I'm not completely a scrooge yet but I'm still kind of a degenerate trying to shed his skin, and im struggling to find an actual high paying job
We'll all get there someday
im kinda in the same spot rn lowkey
we'll make it for sure, just cant give up 🤝
im kinda in the same spot rn lowkey
we'll make it for sure, just cant give up 🤝
just keep swimming! no matter what we'll end up somewhere whether the world is in a complete state of disarray or not
as long as we enjoy the journey
Every individual person is an island of complexity, ones that you can never fully touch nor fully understand.
We all possess an imperceptible barrier that is breached by tragedy, but, albeit briefly, patched by love.
Suffering is the nexus of life; the great human lynchpin; the push and the pull; the give and the take; that is tragedy and love.
The thickness of one’s barrier is determined by the ratio of the two. We need to ensure the scales tip towards love if we wish to shatter those barriers, fully exposing our vulnerabilities to all with no shame, instead faced only with an outpouring of admiration from one to the other for each display of strength.
Also more public restrooms, sometimes you need to piss and goddammit I don’t want to have to go into a f***ing McDonalds and gag as I have to cocktail into a clogged s***ter.
i had this dream where some ghosts showed me my past present and future. my future was scary asf so i woke up as a new man who is kind and donates to charity and s***
Sounds like it was probably just an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato, etc
By not attaching yourself to anything material , you do still gotta find people who resonate w you which being in your 20s isn’t too hard imo
what keeps me optimistic is the fact ik i’m gonna be good cause my mind is already adapted to the way the future looks. It’s these people who don’t know how to let go of past structure and traditions who will be deteriorating mentally
Realest s*** in this thread
I literally hate humans now lol. I remember I was young, optimistic, looked forward to finding a friend group in a new city now I don’t even want to get close to niggas like i’m the opposite of what I used to be. How do you all still like s*** after being exposed to human nature? Hate the way these stuck up corporate huwite ppl look down on me on the street I might ask 10 of them just for directions and they all think I’m not even worthy of their breath. Hate the way everyone is so enamored by corporations and celebrities but ignore people around them that could need the same support. Hate politics turning everything to factions. Hate how people walk past a dying homeless man on the street but would literally go out their way to help a dog. Everyone is fake. Everyone selfish. Hate the virtue signaling like theyre good people. And I know how it’ll go when I’m up and they’ll all switch up same story everytime but now at my lowest as a loving person only to get s***ted on left and right. Maybe you guys haven’t been s***ted on as much but damn I miss the old me.
You are me in another human body. But yeah man consciousness hurts.
op doesnt mention money in his post anywhere either...
like op's post scrooge held a deep disdain and indifference towards people in general at the beginning of his story
however, the end of the story showed that his previous disdain for humanity was not an inherent trait but rather a result of his life choices and attitudes, which he ultimately changed for the better....
but ya im thick headed 😋
another Drake stan that lacks media literacy
bro the moral of a chrismas carol can be applicable to anyones life
idk if u a comic book movie fan but the fact that u used "origin story" makes me nervous for the impact these types of movies are having 😭
another Drake stan that lacks media literacy
we worked it out tho
Humanity is an ever growing tree which you are a branch of @op whatever you contribute will be in the world
You are going to attract what you put out.
I lost hope after losing someone close to me. And became the hope to others that saw that a traumatic event didn’t stop me.
We have to understand influence and manipulation better. How we are constantly influenced and manipulated. And how we can spread influence by showing, not telling.
Only up from here. Evolve into your best self