I've got a bunch of stupid phobias but I really don't care about needles like that.
The only thing I don't like is the sensation when they're in there for a while and you feel like you can't shift your arm or you'll screw up the injection.
I used to get routine injections that came straight from a fridge.
I mean the doc opened the door, smoke came out, he grabbed the vial, drew it into a syringe and stuck it straight into my arm.
That s*** was freezing cold and stung like a b****.
Every injection short of that has been easy
used to be scared of em, but now i just imagine a small prick for a sec and realize its nun to be afraid of
never were scared of them, the only one i didnt like the feel off is when i had dental surgery and they injected the stuff into my mouth. made me numb as f*** lol
but anything else, like in the arm, i dont care
when they did the first one in the roof of my mf mouth, that was one of the weirdest and most uncomfortable sensations i’ve ever felt
My guess is he’s diabetic but 5 times seems excessive
2 each morning night and 3 for every meal
2 each morning night and 3 for every meal
Dam, you’re on a really high dose
Dam, you’re on a really high dose
na humalog for everytime i eat lantus for 12 hours each
Light work
Always been good with them according to moms
I enjoyed the sensation of getting tattooed as well, though i’ve only experienced that on my arm so far.