If bro is really so upset that he can’t relate to Drake anymore then why doesn’t he try to get his money up and write for a real publication?
Like what?
If bro is really so upset that he can’t relate to Drake anymore then why doesn’t he try to get his money up and write for a real publication?
Like what?
Calling The New Yorker not a real publication
Calling The New Yorker not a real publication
Talk to me when theyre on HotNewHipHop level
Imagine flexing another man’s paycheck
And these mf's don't even get paid like that 🤣🤣🤣
Calling The New Yorker not a real publication
They’re no JiggaTV I’ll tell you that much
Take your self a picture when I'm standing at the mound
And I swear it's going down
I'm just repping for my town, off a cup of CJ Gibson
See the Aston Martin, when I start it, hear the sound?
I ain't never graduated, I ain't got no cap and gown
But the girls thats in my class, who was smart enough to pass
Be at all my f***ing parties, grabbing money off the ground
Literally a cultural staple.
Ur not even american
Cultural staple for who? Rich white people? ✅
Wow, very interesting article from the cultural staple ''The New Yorker''
British guy everyone. Keep gatekeeping him out
Ion even know why you pulled that card mods don’t care about rights and equality on this site
It’s okay to be homophobic because the mods won’t ban you for it?
Almost everything in this article is spot on im kind of in awe he broke it down like that
Makes no sense calling a billionare a loser when you live from paycheck
God y'all some big d*** sucker's for anyone with cash
He's responding to a journalist for free on a music forum defending Drake's paycheck though 😭
Almost everything in this article is spot on im kind of in awe he broke it down like that