“I am not an addict” - OP
i was under the influence while making this.. i will never take f***ing heroin bro 🤣 chill
She was on her side and Walt started shaking Jesse which in turn knocked her over. They would have died eventually for sure though
Logged in to post this but you beat me to it Walt didn't just watch her die, he killed her
I know some dude on crack,he says its great cause he don't feel the coke high no more lol
Anyways d**** are dangerous man only use less heavy ones recreational if u know u aint got the good mentality for it,better dont
Think I read somewhere that a dose of heroine is the equivalent of 30 o*****s for several minutes straight
That does not sound pleasant lol
I wont, i still have a clear vision of what i want to do
Im in school until like june...but yeah i will get a part time job
I also make atlest 500 a month from selling weed
wow 500 a month baller alert
wow 500 a month baller alert
Op definitely in his late teens this man said “500 a month”like that’s money
arent u homeless as well cause ur dad kicked you out?
get the needle and spoon to find out
arent u homeless as well cause ur dad kicked you out?
get the needle and spoon to find out
Oh my god! Oh my god!
Homeless people addicted to heroin may very well be injured vets given oxy for everyday pain, who were suddenly cut off from their prescription.
Oxy becomes addictive 50% of the time for chronic pain sufferers. Considering withdrawal can kill you, being homeless is preferable.
Keep in mind a potent strain of heroin can be 10$ for several days worth of use for low tolerance users. Oxys regularly go for 10$ a pop. Can you see why desperate people turn to H?
TLDR: Sacklers should be executed
Withdrawal symptoms from oxy are hardly ever fatal. Not to belittle how horrific that process is it’s usually the relapse that ends people
arent u homeless as well cause ur dad kicked you out?
get the needle and spoon to find out
Morphine was like the greatest s*** I ever experienced when they gave it to me in the ER.
I declined it the next time I had to go back because I didn’t like anything making me feel THAT good. It was actually kind of scary and gave me perspective on how people get addicted.
This sucks, i want to sleep
Tribe .
Everything will turn around soon . Be safe & stay optimistic.
Life is not over . Just a road bump .
Family .
Morphine was like the greatest s*** I ever experienced when they gave it to me in the ER.
I declined it the next time I had to go back because I didn’t like anything making me feel THAT good. It was actually kind of scary and gave me perspective on how people get addicted.
what did it feel like
what did it feel like
Heaven. Like I felt euphoric, couldn’t feel any pain, everything just felt perfect. They gave me a low dose too which is why I was like wow I see how and why people get addicted to this s***