  • Aug 13, 2020

    You're right. Some DJs can be annoying as hell. Would prefer a no dj version 9 times outta 10.

    But you have to admit that streaming and the major record labels put a lot of these DJs out of a job.

    Not to sound corny, but some DJs were gatekeepers to the streets.

    And the labels seized an opportunity to omit the DJ and drop mixtapes as official releases

    Practically destroyed a whole subsection of the culture

    You worded this perfectly in my opinion

  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    You're right. Some DJs can be annoying as hell. Would prefer a no dj version 9 times outta 10.

    But you have to admit that streaming and the major record labels put a lot of these DJs out of a job.

    Not to sound corny, but some DJs were gatekeepers to the streets.

    And the labels seized an opportunity to omit the DJ and drop mixtapes as official releases

    Practically destroyed a whole subsection of the culture

    always hated that on Wayne tapes. Dude would be 1:30 into the song and you'd still be running the hook back and hearing " its gangsta grillz you b******s!!!!! Barack O'Drama". STFU and let me hear the damn song, nobody copped this tape to listen to you scream

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Streaming doesn't limit artists strictly to 80 minutes max for a project.

    15 years ago, these labels wouldn't let every other artist make two CD's worth of music.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Streaming era increased the “purchasing power” of children. Used to be you’d have to have a kid convince his parents to buy a cd. Now they’re just on Spotify spending more hours streaming than adults who are busy working or in school.

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    always hated that on Wayne tapes. Dude would be 1:30 into the song and you'd still be running the hook back and hearing " its gangsta grillz you b******s!!!!! Barack O'Drama". STFU and let me hear the damn song, nobody copped this tape to listen to you scream

    You forgot the silenced gun going off


  • YaBoiCarl

    It’s for the worse unfortunately besides the fact it’s cheaper for us

    I remember how exciting it used to be when a new album you were waiting for dropped. That s*** felt like an event. People listened over and over, found their favorite track, their favorite lines, hidden meanings in places, and talked about it for weeks and even months

    Nowadays albums come and go. People listen to albums just to find a song or two to add to a playlist and then it’s off to the next one. And so many artists now aren’t even bothering to make strong cohesive albums with developed songs because streaming incentivizes then to just put together a 1.5 hour compilation of samey streaming fodder songs

    Idk even know if it’s better for underground artists tbh. Maybe streaming makes them easier to find and listen to but they’re getting paid s*** because a stream is like $.0002

  • k1r9_2

    You forgot the silenced gun going off


    that too. I swear Wayne surrounds himself with the most annoying people of all time

  • Aug 13, 2020


  • Aug 13, 2020

    Music is a product of streaming now meaning that artist don’t even have to sell music anymore cause the music is already bought with streaming. Now the focus is on selling fake personalities and stunts through social and convincing as many people as you can to check out your album,even though most of it is filler.

    Everything artificial to the max now cause there’s no real world component whatsoever to music anymore except concerts.

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    always hated that on Wayne tapes. Dude would be 1:30 into the song and you'd still be running the hook back and hearing " its gangsta grillz you b******s!!!!! Barack O'Drama". STFU and let me hear the damn song, nobody copped this tape to listen to you scream

    i honestly like the dj tags a lot idk, songs feel empty without them if they had them originally

  • Aug 13, 2020

    2020 bring back dj tags

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone saying worse is a idiot, it’s funny to most who decry it preferred they torrrenting or zip blog era

    There’s less guilt for not pirating music and there’s no way I’m buying the amount of music I consume it’s just not feasible

    Streaming saves you so much time, imagine how time consuming was to find a rare Blondie album

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Streaming era increased the “purchasing power” of children. Used to be you’d have to have a kid convince his parents to buy a cd. Now they’re just on Spotify spending more hours streaming than adults who are busy working or in school.

    Good, old people are tasteless

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone saying worse is a idiot, it’s funny to most who decry it preferred they torrrenting or zip blog era

    There’s less guilt for not pirating music and there’s no way I’m buying the amount of music I consume it’s just not feasible

    Streaming saves you so much time, imagine how time consuming was to find a rare Blondie album

    Streaming cheapened the music industry my friend and tricked people into thinking they were getting a deal and convenience when in fact,it was just labels capitalizing on the current climate of kids making cheap trap music and promoting themselves on social media without their help.

    Streaming helped the music industry make huge cutbacks and the casual listener didn’t blink an eye.

  • Streaming is more convenient i didn’t rock with it at first but now it’s the greatest s*** ever

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Streaming cheapened the music industry my friend and tricked people into thinking they were getting a deal and convenience when in fact,it was just labels capitalizing on the current climate of kids making cheap trap music and promoting themselves on social media without their help.

    Streaming helped the music industry make huge cutbacks and the casual listener didn’t blink an eye.

    that’s just your perception, the music is the same there’s decades of music catalogue on streaming if that’s your prerogative and if you think current music is “cheap trap” that’s you, it’s been zeitgeist before streaming came in vogue in 2015

    The people decided they like that music way before

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    There has been no positive impact whatsoever lets be real

    1 i can think of is accessibility. it's a double edged sword of course cus u can be encouraged to listen to music in a very impulsive and thoughtless way since there's so much to choose from, but for me i've listened to more music than ever before n it's never been easier for me to find s*** i'm lookin for

    that bein said, it is also a bit harder to know what i'm looking for since everything is on the table. all the options means actually choosing becomes somewhat of a problem sometimes

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Now with streaming music is more accessible than ever and anyone can release music and distribute it

    But mainstream music became more fast food, artist put a lot of songs in albums so that they get into more playlists, albums are forgotten within a week, but on the other hand it it’s a great album I’ll keep playing it so I don’t care

  • frenchpress

    1 i can think of is accessibility. it's a double edged sword of course cus u can be encouraged to listen to music in a very impulsive and thoughtless way since there's so much to choose from, but for me i've listened to more music than ever before n it's never been easier for me to find s*** i'm lookin for

    that bein said, it is also a bit harder to know what i'm looking for since everything is on the table. all the options means actually choosing becomes somewhat of a problem sometimes

    You are very right about accessibility. But I took OP to mean more so the impact on the music industry and music itself

  • Aug 13, 2020

    It's easier now. Back in the days you had to get people to spend their money on your s***.

    That's why so many trash artists getting rich lol

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Now with streaming music is more accessible than ever and anyone can release music and distribute it

    But mainstream music became more fast food, artist put a lot of songs in albums so that they get into more playlists, albums are forgotten within a week, but on the other hand it it’s a great album I’ll keep playing it so I don’t care

    There has to be a middleground. One where music is super accessible but artists are still incentivized to put real heart and effort into albums instead of just making cheap projects that are marketed well. I can't think of what the solution would be though

  • Melz ⚜️
    Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    i honestly like the dj tags a lot idk, songs feel empty without them if they had them originally

    Facts. Sometimes they be taking out adlibs too. Makes me think of Waka Flocka’s song 50k. They neutered it and the version with hella adlibs, tags, and it getting run back is so much better

  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    There is something cool about hearing your favorite song on the radio or MTV and going to the record store to buy the album

    And now it feels less special

    But at least there’s all the music accessible to you all the time

  • Aug 13, 2020

    There has to be a middleground. One where music is super accessible but artists are still incentivized to put real heart and effort into albums instead of just making cheap projects that are marketed well. I can't think of what the solution would be though

    Safe should dictate the music industry

  • Aug 13, 2020

    that’s just your perception, the music is the same there’s decades of music catalogue on streaming if that’s your prerogative and if you think current music is “cheap trap” that’s you, it’s been zeitgeist before streaming came in vogue in 2015

    The people decided they like that music way before

    There’s definitely a lot more to current music but today’s rap music being the most popular genre mixed in with inexpensive production created the formula to go all in on it and sign any and everyone. The rap industry is in a boom money wise and for the artist,it’s quick cash but the genre at an all time low.