He has people bring him stacks of random CDs and Vinyls to listen to. Also just a music nerd in general
How in the f*** did he even find this s***!
one of his worst songs btw
talking about samples can someone please link me the songs he sampled for gorgeous ?? can't find it!
lmao what tf
one of his worst songs btw
its for a certain mood and vibe
not every track on ur album should be a "hit" when ur already a certified goat with a certified catalogue!
ye rly just recreated dis b**** for JIK
jesus prayer/verse still hard
jesus prayer/verse still hard
nah its ramadan bro
ye be praying to the wrong gods
Water is amazing and my fav on JIK
its for a certain mood and vibe
not every track on ur album should be a "hit" when ur already a certified goat with a certified catalogue!
i didn't say it needed to be a hit
i simply do not like it. insufferably boring
Since op is prolly trolling this is the real sample
I recant my statement this is the clean / more popular version, but op is right