Can’t be based on looks since Tinashe is better looking. can’t be based on talent since Tinashe makes better music. So what is it? My theory is label investment. If Tinashe has the roc soldiers behind her she would be rihanna level rn.
Tinashe is better looking? Tinashe makes better music?
Tinashe is definitely better looking
Can’t be based on looks since Tinashe is better looking. can’t be based on talent since Tinashe makes better music. So what is it? My theory is label investment. If Tinashe has the roc soldiers behind her she would be rihanna level rn.
easier to control. Rihanna does what the ppl tell her to do, and tinashe desires independence
Can’t be based on looks since Tinashe is better looking. can’t be based on talent since Tinashe makes better music. So what is it? My theory is label investment. If Tinashe has the roc soldiers behind her she would be rihanna level rn.
Consumer appeal.
She may very well have better music than Rhianna, but why should I care if she does since A) I'm outside of her core demographic B)She may be better looking, but she doesn't have that Rhianna appeal, which can mostly be attributed to the labels, but in an era where you can build a movement without the help of labels, there's no excuse.
Consumer appeal.
She may very well have better music than Rhianna, but why should I care if she does since A) I'm outside of her core demographic B)She may be better looking, but she doesn't have that Rhianna appeal, which can mostly be attributed to the labels, but in an era where you can build a movement without the help of labels, there's no excuse.
She came out around 2014 though which was still around when labels controlled s***. She has a smash hit with 2on. Now imagine if she was a roc nation product they would have been able to mold her into what they did with Rihanna—the whole good girl turned bad b**** treatment. And she’d be a mega star by now.
people string up as many reasons as possible in threads like these, but it really comes down to luck and opportunity
Am I the only one that doesn’t find tinashe attractive
she look like a mouse
B**** looks like Gollum with makeup and a weave on
people string up as many reasons as possible in threads like these, but it really comes down to luck and opportunity
People saying Tinashe looks better than Rihanna
rihanna is overrated looks wise
I sometimes feel like im the only one that thinks Riri is overrated af in terms of looks
Her forehead big af