I'm black btw...soooo this weird girl (black) was calling me racist because I call my black friends monkeys and the hard r...kinda weird but that's how we are...sooo she was calling me racist and then the teacher (white) was like nobody should be allowed to say nigga or the hard r because it's offensive to other cultures sooo how is it offensive to other cultures?
I'm trying to stay off ktt as much, so you made me sign into my account just to post in this horrible thread
life sxn is getting steadily worse by the week
I'm trying to stay off ktt as much, so you made me sign into my account just to post in this horrible thread
life sxn is getting steadily worse by the week
My question has always been why do UK cats or black cats that never grew up in US use n*gga 🤔
Y’all need to cut that weird s*** out
the more you tell these weirdos to cut it out the more they're going to want to do it
My question has always been why do UK cats or black cats that never grew up in US use n*gga 🤔
Blacks in the U.S weren't the only ones called nigga by racist white people during times of slavery lol