  • Sep 20, 2024

    Spotify, aka the biggest music streaming service in the world, has not been profitable since its launch in 2008. Realistically, how can companies like these stay in business? Does this indicate that the business side of the music business is in trouble? We all know what streaming services have done to artists...

  • Sep 20, 2024

    Companies like Spotify run on the promise that they will turn profitable eventually. Thats why investors keep pumping their money into them. Is is sustainable? Depends on if they actually can deliver on that promise.

  • Sep 20, 2024

    It’s a model that’s impossible to make profitable without advertisements or direct sales. The trickle down economics of the music industry

    It was Pandora’s box from the beginning. Don’t know if it could even be closed now. I love music and supporting artists as much as the next person but I remember when you couldn’t just have nearly every song in the world instantly on demand. If the industry tried to take that back everyone would be pissed