“So Kanye how you feel about the nba”
“You see I wasn’t even gonna talk about drake but I’m glad u brought that up”
if he doesn’t do that weird burp yawn gasp thing he didn’t nail it
u mean how kanye breathes????💀💀
This funny lol
NVM after 3 minutes kinda falls off
u mean how kanye breathes????💀💀
you know what i’m talking about, every now and then when talking hell do some weird s*** with his mouth
you know what i’m talking about, every now and then when talking hell do some weird s*** with his mouth
You talking bout his laughing breathing?
You talking bout his laughing breathing?
he does it for a very split second at 55:00 but the camera cuts away, he always like covers his mouth when he does it, its weird af cause its not a burp and its not a yawn
ill try to find a better example but its hard as f*** to skim through hours of interviews for something that only occurs across a span of 1 second
someone even made a thread about it a while ago, its some symptom for some specific mental illness
he does it for a very split second at 55:00 but the camera cuts away, he always like covers his mouth when he does it, its weird af cause its not a burp and its not a yawn
ill try to find a better example but its hard as f*** to skim through hours of interviews for something that only occurs across a span of 1 second
someone even made a thread about it a while ago, its some symptom for some specific mental illness
I've noticed this before
But I've also Never noticed this
If I ever go on a ye interview binge and see him doin this I'll let you know
kanye literally never says s*** like Im Above You when he’s saying he’s a god
very stupid video
he does it for a very split second at 55:00 but the camera cuts away, he always like covers his mouth when he does it, its weird af cause its not a burp and its not a yawn
ill try to find a better example but its hard as f*** to skim through hours of interviews for something that only occurs across a span of 1 second
someone even made a thread about it a while ago, its some symptom for some specific mental illness
i'm amazed you noticed this. i do this s*** too. i get air that i needa let out but it doesn't make an audible noise.