don’t think she will, they probably reached some kind of agreement with her before she was arrested
No one's gonna tell us. Schrodinger's cat is going to be replaced with the Ghislaine's principal.
they won't suicide her because it's too obvious, they'll keep her alive in court and use her a political pawn to oust certain elites they no longer want in their inner circle and act like all 3 people she named are the only ones at fault
nah it'll be too obvious now
probably just wont say all the names we expect to hear
they won't suicide her because it's too obvious, they'll keep her alive in court and use her a political pawn to oust certain elites they no longer want in their inner circle and act like all 3 people she named are the only ones at fault
wow we posted the same s*** at the exact same time
She'll get the rona in prison and die conveniently
they'll say epstein did everything and since he's dead no one can be held accountable
this is just a way to make clinton trump and other elites look innocent
interesting. I don’t understand why she didn’t leave America. Suiciding her is a bold ass move tho after all the backlash Epstein got, we’ll see what happens.
interesting. I don’t understand why she didn’t leave America. Suiciding her is a bold ass move tho after all the backlash Epstein got, we’ll see what happens.
Backlash, but doesn't seem like anything actually happened about it
True but in this case epstein was the first to go so it could pass even as obvious as it was
I say more bribery, blackmail and threats from the higher ups is gonna be the name of the game with this lady
Over. I’m hoping she “slips” and cracks her skull open after she gives up some names on tape and signed confessions 🤞
Yea, pretty interesting. Given that Donald Barr was OSS it seems like a pretty clear attempt by US intelligence to give Epstein a background. This is why I don’t think anything significant will come out of the Ghislaine arrest, way too many people can go down for this.
Two things might happen:
She'll either die by next week with "corona" or some suicide narrative.
She'll talk but will only talk about important people that the elites want them her talk about.
she already confirmed positive for covid. she will be dead in 60 days or i’ll take 30 day ban
don’t think she will, they probably reached some kind of agreement with her before she was arrested