  • Feb 13, 2020

    advice for cheating in hs?? asking for a friend

  • Feb 13, 2020
    Coffee Nerd

    I remember back in college that kid got caught cheating on an exam I was also cheating on but he wasn’t slick at all

    i only got caught cheating once and it was some silly plagiarism that this teacher was hell bent on catching kids. It was some english class I decided to take at a local community college instead of paying racks for one class at my University. Listen, this guy pulled me aside and tried to catch me in a lie. I admitted I plagiarized instead of lying and he pulled out a printed sheet he got online and showed it to me . That's my fault, but never again. I was slacking and being lazy. Normally, I'm pretty good at it but he got me, man. F*** that guy!

  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies
    First Take

    God forbid I look up the answers to my Music Appreciation class quiz

    God help us all if people can’t pass bullshit electives without cheating

  • Feb 13, 2020

    High school is impossible to cheat. College there’s dozens of people in the lecture halls sometimes more.

    Consequences not as severe tho

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    cheating not worth it. once she finds out and tweets all about it your reputation is tarnished

  • Feb 13, 2020

    cheating not worth it. once she finds out and tweets all about it your reputation is tarnished

    wtf are you talking about?

    the only time a teacher walked around to see if people were cheating was my calculus class. I cheated in that class and I know a few people who failed that course twice...


  • Feb 13, 2020

    God help us all if people can’t pass bullshit electives without cheating

    i actually studied for this music class i took in community college for gen-end cause it was cheaper to take there.

    I don't mind studying if the topic interest me. But accounting. I HATE ACCOUNTING its f***ing boring and I will never use it.

    would you rather fail a course or cheat knowing the odds are not against you....

    my GPA is about a 3.2 in combination of cheating and studying. I just choose to if I know it will benefit me...

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Lmfao bro imagine not cheating your entire school career

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Haven't cheated since high school

    The stress of having to cheat to pass is worse than not studying imo

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Coffee Nerd

    I remember back in college that kid got caught cheating on an exam I was also cheating on but he wasn’t slick at all

    In my networking class this one kid hit the "text to speech" button on Quizlet during an exam

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Haven't cheated since high school

    The stress of having to cheat to pass is worse than not studying imo

    you must have s***ty stress tolerance...I get the shaky leg at last 25 minutes of exams

    i would admit the exam I took i was getting stressed but the way I cheat if I can't find the answer I find how they got the answer online and replicate it on my paper. It's hard sometimes but I seem to find the answers if its multiple choice. There's studying and being smart but there are other ways to be smart and weighing out the outcomes. Ive had English teachers tell me I'm a good writer but I'm just very good at plagiarizing. It's become an art-form at this point.

  • Feb 13, 2020

    In my networking class this one kid hit the "text to speech" button on Quizlet during an exam

    that's why you mute your phone / computer and put it on do not disturb. that's a noob move

  • Feb 13, 2020

    God help us all if people can’t pass bullshit electives without cheating

    It’s not about if I can pass them or not. Ofc I can. It’s about if it want to waste time studying for a bullshit elective when I have real classes I need to study for

  • Feb 13, 2020

    People seem to attribute cheating with being stupid or smart. When really it’s just time management. Especially in college

  • Feb 13, 2020

    you must have s***ty stress tolerance...I get the shaky leg at last 25 minutes of exams

    i would admit the exam I took i was getting stressed but the way I cheat if I can't find the answer I find how they got the answer online and replicate it on my paper. It's hard sometimes but I seem to find the answers if its multiple choice. There's studying and being smart but there are other ways to be smart and weighing out the outcomes. Ive had English teachers tell me I'm a good writer but I'm just very good at plagiarizing. It's become an art-form at this point.

    I just know what's best for myself

  • plants

    he wrote angrily

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Was hoping for tips on how to be polygamous and thread is just about scumbags too lazy to put the work in

  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies

    the only time i cheated i got caught teacher deliberately left a fake answer sheet on her desk while she went out and we all looked at it and i was the only one who got pulled up on it cause everyone else knew it was wrong answers

  • cyberkid2000

    the only time i cheated i got caught teacher deliberately left a fake answer sheet on her desk while she went out and we all looked at it and i was the only one who got pulled up on it cause everyone else knew it was wrong answers

    bruh. no cap I know some teachers who would've given you an A for trying.

  • Feb 14, 2020

    the only time i cheated i got caught teacher deliberately left a fake answer sheet on her desk while she went out and we all looked at it and i was the only one who got pulled up on it cause everyone else knew it was wrong answers

    What teacher goes out of their way to do that? Cruel and I bet you they sucked at teaching!