Lol I had like 250
Just never deleted s*** lmao
like bruh I had “Ipod speakers dude” saved from a CL ad like from 2012 bro
Back in my younger days I had over 50 numbers
I remember girls would randomly call me and s*** , it’s funny looking back because I have no friends lol
Back in my younger days I had over 50 numbers
I remember girls would randomly call me and s*** , it’s funny looking back because I have no friends lol
making friends after orientation week in college is torture
I have 656 contacts in my phone. Talk to about 20 of 'em regularly. Just never delete any and use the search function so I never notice how cluttered it is.
and how many people do you actually speak to?
Used to be over 100 in high school.
Now like 30-40