Like 4 or 5 real ones and then a bunch of "friends" that I gotta be around cuz highschool b like that
2-3 close friends
been working on building a large community of closer friends tho cause adulthood is lonely as s***
made way too many friends/associates this year through a lot of different outlets its baffling to me
2-3 close friends
been working on building a large community of closer friends tho cause adulthood is lonely as s***
where u been at king i barely see u on here anymore bruh
i have like 20 real close friends and that doesn't include some from my extended family that are some of the most solid people i know. but it's weird it doesn't feel like that
i have like 20 real close friends and that doesn't include some from my extended family that are some of the most solid people i know. but it's weird it doesn't feel like that
damn 20 close friends is alot
damn 20 close friends is alot
yeah it's weird the number could be bigger if i included friends i talk to every day but i don't consider them real friends like that. idk how to feel about it tbh. like i'm still best friends with all my like 10 best friends from elementary school. i have other friends i've known for over a decade that are basically family to me and we share a ridiculously close bond like we can all rely on each other to do whatever for each other, we trust each other with money without thinking twice, nobody's ever done anybody dirty.
i'm a very shy dude though idk how i have this many friends
where u been at king i barely see u on here anymore bruh
life been happening