  • Jan 28, 2023

    I’m heated

  • Only when a politician's friend or family dies will something get done. Normal people dying is not an issue for them to change the law. Police have a huge spending budget and have the minimal training. We need to go after funding until they learn how to use it properly

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 28, 2023

    The foundation of American society has to change.

  • Jan 28, 2023
    2 replies

    The better question is what do you think or want to change precisely

  • Jan 28, 2023

    News flash buddy ain't s*** going to change no matter how many people die or how many cops gets charged

  • Jan 28, 2023

    Thinking about the justice system in america makes me want to kill myself💯

  • Jan 28, 2023

    It would require some complete 180 of the entire ruling class’ ideals, interests and actions as well as combatting the inevitable military coup that would result from that ever happening, or a successful nationwide insurgency against the military police state

  • Jan 28, 2023
    3 replies

    When we start shooting back. It’s not a question of how many more innocents need to die, it’s a question of how many cops need to die. Until we’re ready to recognize cops for what they are - the armed detachment of the capitalist state who exist to violently keep the masses under heel - and treat them as enemy combatants nothing will change and people will keep dying

    The US state utilized counter insurgency tactics against the George Floyd Uprising because they treat this s*** like war. We need to also treat this s*** like war and act accordingly

  • Jan 28, 2023
    Tobacco al Houthi

    When we start shooting back. It’s not a question of how many more innocents need to die, it’s a question of how many cops need to die. Until we’re ready to recognize cops for what they are - the armed detachment of the capitalist state who exist to violently keep the masses under heel - and treat them as enemy combatants nothing will change and people will keep dying

    The US state utilized counter insurgency tactics against the George Floyd Uprising because they treat this s*** like war. We need to also treat this s*** like war and act accordingly

    Lead by example

  • Jan 28, 2023

    What is your suggestion

  • Jan 28, 2023
    1 reply
    Tobacco al Houthi

    When we start shooting back. It’s not a question of how many more innocents need to die, it’s a question of how many cops need to die. Until we’re ready to recognize cops for what they are - the armed detachment of the capitalist state who exist to violently keep the masses under heel - and treat them as enemy combatants nothing will change and people will keep dying

    The US state utilized counter insurgency tactics against the George Floyd Uprising because they treat this s*** like war. We need to also treat this s*** like war and act accordingly

  • Jan 28, 2023

    Why would you change what's working?

  • Jan 28, 2023

    The better question is what do you think or want to change precisely

  • Jan 28, 2023

    My favorite about these debates is when rw people on Twitter are like “uhm ackshually cops kill more white people annually than black people”

    And it’s like okay so just to check you’re saying that’s why…no one should care…? Especially you as a rw person claiming to care about white people?

  • Jan 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Foreign sanctions and/or internal revolt

    Without those we’ll probably see the nation severely shifted by climate change before we see any changes to day to day aggressive policing

  • Jan 28, 2023

    This is exactly republican’s plans. Why would they want change?

  • Jan 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Foreign sanctions and/or internal revolt

    Without those we’ll probably see the nation severely shifted by climate change before we see any changes to day to day aggressive policing

    I doubt it will take tens of thousands of years to see changing in policing. We already have seen reforms over last few years.

  • Jan 28, 2023
    Dedication 666

    I doubt it will take tens of thousands of years to see changing in policing. We already have seen reforms over last few years.

    tens of thousands of years lol ok buddy

  • Jan 28, 2023

    Feel like it’s a cultural thing over there

  • Jan 29, 2023
    Dedication 666

    I actually wanna see people put their money where their mouth is

  • Jan 29, 2023
    Tobacco al Houthi

    When we start shooting back. It’s not a question of how many more innocents need to die, it’s a question of how many cops need to die. Until we’re ready to recognize cops for what they are - the armed detachment of the capitalist state who exist to violently keep the masses under heel - and treat them as enemy combatants nothing will change and people will keep dying

    The US state utilized counter insurgency tactics against the George Floyd Uprising because they treat this s*** like war. We need to also treat this s*** like war and act accordingly

    In the case of investigation

  • Jan 29, 2023

    they gotta restructure the whole police system with stronger in depth training focussed on interpersonal skillset and deescalation and much less authoritarian tacticsm as well as a rigorous recruiting process. from a outside perspective what i see is two opposite sides of either defund police or backing the blue, i think neither is a solution imo. for something to change i think you need a politician in charge who actually got some balls

  • Jan 29, 2023
    2 replies

    The better question is what do you think or want to change precisely

    1. Stop allowing military people to become police officers
    2. Stop forcing quotas (yes quotas are illegal but still get done unofficially)
    3. Make police officers get out their f***ing vehicles and walk the blocks
    4. Put an actual degree requirement on all police officer jobs

  • bigbelts

    1. Stop allowing military people to become police officers
    2. Stop forcing quotas (yes quotas are illegal but still get done unofficially)
    3. Make police officers get out their f***ing vehicles and walk the blocks
    4. Put an actual degree requirement on all police officer jobs

    oh yeah I agree I am just saying we have to specify more than just say its bad. I understand even abolitionist but til we get there have to specify steps that can make it better

  • Jan 29, 2023

    Until rich people want it to change.