I’m the best dancer amongst my peoples and they’re nupes lmao. Also gotta go to clubs with danceable music
I’m good but the beats have to danceable ya know
Went out for Halloween and it was just club electronic which is cool but it’s like the same moves over and over unless u wanna really bust it out
I’m the best dancer amongst my peoples and they’re nupes lmao. Also gotta go to clubs with danceable music
Frats the original “scaring the hoes”
Having a good time then out of nowhere niggas in matching clothes bum rush the dance floor doing flash mob yelling and making hissing 🐍 noises like taylor swift speak
Frats the original “scaring the hoes”
Having a good time then out of nowhere niggas in matching clothes bum rush the dance floor doing flash mob yelling and making hissing 🐍 noises like taylor swift speak
thankfully I’ve never been around a large group at once unless it was a event, just my 2 bros who stroll and the women are just there like
cause niggas in sync and s*** lmao
Dancing is fun though. Especially when you pick a part of the beat to dance to cause you even get a whole different vibe like dancing to the kick vs dancing to like the piano
This one's more similar to the hakken I'm more into
haven't went to a club in like 8 years but I know I'd be hitting it like this
You either got it or you dont
But for those that got it, it’s jarring watching…a certain demographic not knowing how to at least dance or even clap/snap on beat.
That s*** puzzles me everytime.
But for those that got it, it’s jarring watching…a certain demographic not knowing how to at least dance or even clap/snap on beat.
That s*** puzzles me everytime.
It’s one of life’s craziest things to witness honestly man 😂 for some of us it’s as simple as walking
haven't went to a club in like 8 years but I know I'd be hitting it like this
legendary fit btw
Easily. Hanging around drummers and being solid behind a kit, I always got that metronome in my head. Just a matter of finding the right vibe for the moment.
How many of ya'll Latinos on here can dance Bachata?
@Mmm_Hmm @Hndrxx_Free they calling yall out
When I learned how to make beats, it made me really good at dancing on beat lmao.
S*** has been a party staple ever since
@Mmm_Hmm @Hndrxx_Free they calling yall out
Spain people cant dance
Now OP... he needs to step up
I can feel the beat and move myself to it (mainly cuz i took drum lessons) but the actual moves are terrible
As long as you doing a little something with the beat that’s all that matters
I can feel the beat and move myself to it (mainly cuz i took drum lessons) but the actual moves are terrible
Literally being on beat is 95% of the battle it do not matter what the hell you doing with your hands. As long as the foundation (your feet) are on point you good money.
Spain people cant dance
Now OP... he needs to step up
Didn’t yall invent flamenco
I legit have an embarrassing video from my high school days where I have a dance battle with this Jamaican kid from my high school and I get destroyed so badly that I slipped on the ground.
I can still dance but this nigga was doing flips and s***.
I legit have an embarrassing video from my high school days where I have a dance battle with this Jamaican kid from my high school and I get destroyed so badly that I slipped on the ground.
I can still dance but this nigga was doing flips and s***.
F*** anybody that do flips btw them niggas be extra like bro think this you got served lmfso smh
I'm 50% joking I’m hating out of envy.