sometimes when im bored i lay down in the shower turn it to almost scalding and pass out for like 45-50 minutes
I hate to do this but americans on the internet get excessively weird about washing oneself unless you literally take two showers a day and wash hands every 15 minutes
so it doesn't even make sense to discuss it unless its as described above
sometimes when im bored i lay down in the shower turn it to almost scalding and pass out for like 45-50 minutes
That's called a bath
sometimes when im bored i lay down in the shower turn it to almost scalding and pass out for like 45-50 minutes
some of yall were never taught how to save water and it shows
some of yall were never taught how to save water and it shows
it literally rains man water is infinite
i dont have a bathtub
Only differentiating factor to me is if you sitting or standing
Standing - shower
Sitting - bath