What does drake say on what’s next? The lyric video says “shown improvement” but I still hear “shown and proved”.
New stuck vs suck
I guess it could be a play on Room for Improvement but idk
On Fancy does swizz say “ass, weed, proceed” or “as we proceed”?
First one imo
On Fancy does swizz say “ass, weed, proceed” or “as we proceed”?
ass, weave, proceed makes more sense to me
i hear “shown and proved”
the next “man” is just so close to proved it sounds like improvement
Only way to find the answer is to call up landlord
I’m still not convinced it’s most likely correct but who actually puts those lyric videos together?
its shown and proved. lyric video is wrong.
its pretty common too since labels just hire 3rd party designers to make them and its up to them to get the lyrics right.
Genius lyrics out now but I heard shown and proved
They’re guessing just like us
It's 100% shown improvement, hate to be that guy
you can hear him say the "m" on improveMent
Plus every lyric site, apple music, etc says improvement
On Fancy does swizz say “ass, weed, proceed” or “as we proceed”?
It’s as we proceed, the clean version would censor weed but it doesnt
In a normal year we would’ve found out through him performing at a random surprise performance at a rapper’s show by now