I jus wanna see who a menance to society rq it could explain posting someone habits
If you got over 16+ From grade school that’s the criteria, mines personally is 12 from elementary to high school
i’ve been out of school suspended 3 times
in school suspended like 6
lunch detention like 8
normal after school detention 10+
I mean zero
I’m not an idiot. Or an a******
to be fair being suspended doesn’t mean you’re an idiot
some kids just can’t sit still or are hyper active and schools don’t know how to handle them so they punish them
idk but ktt2.com needa start putting some of u man in detention rt
need a ktt2.com jail sxn only banned and suspected users can use
One & it was for out of school for HS.
If you been suspended more than 3 times then u either a lame that is easy af at getting caught, or none of the school staff liked you enough to fight for u 🤷♀️
i’ve been out of school suspended 3 times
in school suspended like 6
lunch detention like 8
normal after school detention 10+
I meant only out of school suspension
In school suspension/detention is something my district stopped doing
middle school- iss really too many times to count, oss bout twice
high school- oss once, but skipped so much i might as well been suspended
I meant only out of school suspension
In school suspension/detention is something my district stopped doing
ah then 3
yeah idek if they still do iss in my old district, i’ve been out of high school 11 years and elementary school even longer than that lol
i’m old
lunch detention didn't really exist in high school primary school yea bunch times
after school detention probably 10 i also didn't rock up to couple
I got in school suspension once
Out of school suspension once
Both of those were for fighting
And I had a bunch of detentions
This was all in middle school.
High school I only got detention once and that was fir always being tardy to class after the bell
I’ve got written a bad note home
and a phone call
lmao i forgot about the phone calls and notes
probably had 25+ of those s***s
my one friend has his in folder somewhere still because it’s memories of all the funny s*** we used to do
One & it was for out of school for HS.
If you been suspended more than 3 times then u either a lame that is easy af at getting caught, or none of the school staff liked you enough to fight for u 🤷♀️
Nah I’m just a physical person a lot of ppl are
If u had 2 fights every year from elementary to high school it could happen
to be fair being suspended doesn’t mean you’re an idiot
some kids just can’t sit still or are hyper active and schools don’t know how to handle them so they punish them
It’s hard to get an out of school suspension I think
You have to either never be at school, be an a****** to teachers or other kids, or vandalize s***
never suspended but i did have detention a few times in high school because i used to be late a lot my first two years
i wasn't egregiously late or anything, my problem was that our townhouse at the time was literally a two minute drive away from my school and school started at 7:45, so i always thought i could get away with leaving the house at like 7:40 and hopefully end up in first period by the time the bell rang
i mean it worked for me a lot of times, but it also didn't just as much lmao