industry plants confirmed...
they blew up off this track but had the clout to get Nicholson on the vid at the time?
Smells fishy to me bruhs
huh? they blew up before that with this love lol even had kanye remix that and made it far better
The label financed his appearance. Wow shocking I know
Goo I thought we were homies why you disrespecting me in my own s***post
I would pay literally any amount of money to hear what the convo between Maroon 5 and Jack Nicholson on set
Goo I thought we were homies why you disrespecting me in my own s***post
Sorry bro I saw an easy opportunity to collect some likes
That isn’t Jack Nicholson
It looks like him and functions like him what's the difference
I would pay literally any amount of money to hear what the convo between Maroon 5 and Jack Nicholson on set
It looks like him and functions like him what's the difference
Ahh the Joke that flew over the cuckoo’s nest
I’m slow guys 😅
Just asked Jack. Apparently the whole band sucked him off really good before the shoot and thats why he agreed to be in it.
Just asked Jack. Apparently the whole band sucked him off really good before the shoot and thats why he agreed to be in it.
bet Adam Levine gives real good head nohomo
u know the lead singer is all up in hollywood. prolly just met him at a party right before the shoot and asked him to come
i mean adam levine and two other maroon 5 members started kara’s flowers in 1994, they’d been around a minute
They blew up off “this love” 😂 I remember 04 vividly that song was huge
! music video for that track, five year old me used to hump the pillow to it