I ate up stank p**** because I was too nice to tell her. I’m really really good at eating p**** she didn’t deserve that kind of pleasure
When you start getting that ball grease at day 4 <<<
S*** loops around and starts smelling good at some point
I ate up stank p**** because I was too nice to tell her. I’m really really good at eating p**** she didn’t deserve that kind of pleasure
My balls after 2 days of no shower start to stain my furniture with smell and that is a bit to much . I then take a shower
You’re a male????
I work part time in a hospital you wouldn't believe the things I've smelled
Do you wear a mask at least
No stank zone, wash yo stankin ass
You’re a male????
Yes i am i nevr been suggested as a femal on here there is first for everythng
I work part time in a hospital you wouldn't believe the things I've smelled
My sister seen and has smelled it all the Hospital is the final destination of that s*** LMAO
Yes i am i nevr been suggested as a femal on here there is first for everythng
Do you wear a mask at least
It depends on where I'm at or what I'm doing. A lot of the nurses carry like peppermint essential oils and we rub a little on the inside of the mask to get away from the smells lol
I ate up stank p**** because I was too nice to tell her. I’m really really good at eating p**** she didn’t deserve that kind of pleasure
name to avi to post
depends on the person
I ate up stank p**** because I was too nice to tell her. I’m really really good at eating p**** she didn’t deserve that kind of pleasure
YOU ATE IT ?!?!?!?
My balls after 2 days of no shower start to stain my furniture with smell and that is a bit to much . I then take a shower
Bro what
till it stank
I ate up stank p**** because I was too nice to tell her. I’m really really good at eating p**** she didn’t deserve that kind of pleasure
Been there . It reeked of battery acid but duty called