  • Jan 15, 2021

    i find that somtimes i can work on music all day everyday for about a week straight but after that i need a couple days to recuperate and let ideas build up

    i also find that after i finish a song that i have spent a long time on, i need a "debrief" period where i reflect on it before i start a new one. usually a day or two

    how does yall creative process work? very curious

  • Jan 15, 2021
    2 replies

    i find that somtimes i can work on music all day everyday for about a week straight but after that i need a couple days to recuperate and let ideas build up

    i also find that after i finish a song that i have spent a long time on, i need a "debrief" period where i reflect on it before i start a new one. usually a day or two

    how does yall creative process work? very curious

    i work a 8-5 remote so when i get off work i try to at least do vocal exercises and record a little bit of music everyday. i cant speak entirely because ive barely made 5 songs but for me i do need some time to get re-inspired. beginning of 2021 i didnt do anything music related for a week and a half because i felt drained and its helping me now because ive finished some stuff i couldnt finish before. i also read a tweet that said do 20 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest and repeat that over and over again so you dont get burnt out.

    i also try to watch at least one episode of something a day to get inspired. im watching like 7 diff shows right now cause my attention span is s*** but i think it helps creatively

  • Jan 15, 2021

    i work a 8-5 remote so when i get off work i try to at least do vocal exercises and record a little bit of music everyday. i cant speak entirely because ive barely made 5 songs but for me i do need some time to get re-inspired. beginning of 2021 i didnt do anything music related for a week and a half because i felt drained and its helping me now because ive finished some stuff i couldnt finish before. i also read a tweet that said do 20 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest and repeat that over and over again so you dont get burnt out.

    i also try to watch at least one episode of something a day to get inspired. im watching like 7 diff shows right now cause my attention span is s*** but i think it helps creatively

    yeah watching movies and stuff is great for inspiration.

    that tweet is interesting, but i don't think that would work for me. when im working on music and in the zone i don't want to stop the process, just keep the ball rolling and get the ideas out quickly before they "die" so to speak and i lose inpsiraiton spark

  • Bigg_Simpin

    i find that somtimes i can work on music all day everyday for about a week straight but after that i need a couple days to recuperate and let ideas build up

    i also find that after i finish a song that i have spent a long time on, i need a "debrief" period where i reflect on it before i start a new one. usually a day or two

    how does yall creative process work? very curious

    Yeah, I think I go through spurts myself. Sometimes I won’t write a song for a week and other times I’ll write and record 2 songs a day for a week. It really has a lot to do with how I’m feeling emotionally. If I’m happy to moderately sad, I can write forever. If I’m super low, it takes me digging deeper to bring out my creativity.

  • Jan 15, 2021

    i feel that too. i have spontaneous creative bursts and then have to recharge for a bit days, maybe even weeks before i make something i'm truly satisfied with. most of the beats I make I don't fully finish. I sit on what I have for a while before deciding if I want to finish it. but sometimes I finish a full beat in one day.

    like right now ive just been listening to new music to get inspired by. i think it would be great to able to create on command, like great s*** on command. like if some artist called you up to a studio and asked you to make dope s*** but in your head you think you cant cause youre not "inspired" enough or not in a "mood" then you gotta push thru and work on that. its something i struggle with a lot.

  • Jan 16, 2021

    i try to experiment all the time but honestly sometimes you just have to let the music come to you. get out of the way, let the music write itself

    i find myself having melodies in my head when i wake up but not having the energy or interest to write them down

    i like driving around freestyling over beats and if i come up with two flows i like thats a verse and chorus, write lyrics after

    had a lot of success with beating writers block and s*** with that method, try it out

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Jan 16, 2021

    I haven't attempted to make music since 2017

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Jan 16, 2021

    I do alot of off the dome type s***.
    But I never record anything.

    I'm literally living Kanye's bar

    "Does he write his own rhymes, well sort of, I think, em
    That mean I forgot better s*** than you ever thought up"

  • Jan 16, 2021

    i try to work on atleast something everyday even if it isnt just making music, such as mixing or tutorials etc

    but for creativity i’ll usually have long bursts of like a month straight working everyday then i’ll need a few days to a week to sit back and listen objectively. watch some tv and movies and listen to music to regain some inspiration, then its back at it

    the cycle goes on forever !

  • Jan 16, 2021

    i work a 8-5 remote so when i get off work i try to at least do vocal exercises and record a little bit of music everyday. i cant speak entirely because ive barely made 5 songs but for me i do need some time to get re-inspired. beginning of 2021 i didnt do anything music related for a week and a half because i felt drained and its helping me now because ive finished some stuff i couldnt finish before. i also read a tweet that said do 20 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest and repeat that over and over again so you dont get burnt out.

    i also try to watch at least one episode of something a day to get inspired. im watching like 7 diff shows right now cause my attention span is s*** but i think it helps creatively

    I fw this process bro, gonna start implementing some of those timeouts cause like @op (and like every other artist) burnout is so real lol. I think the important thing is you need to be able to tell if you sound inspired or not in your music, and balance out life accordingly

  • Jan 16, 2021

    It's spontaneous for me but I write/record atleast 3-4 times a week. I had writers block recently so I travelled and took some shrooms. That's my ritual to combat writers block.

    New Experience feeds creativity

  • Jan 16, 2021

    making beats much easier than writing in terms of block

  • Jan 16, 2021

    Been making beats everyday since after christmas and I agree with the homies ITT

    Its a balancing act between keeping the diligence of making music and honing your sound with relaxing and creating new ideas

    I usually hop on for 30 minutes/1 hour, hop off to reset my palate in a sense, then get back on with fresh ears and work again