I don't take naps. Me and the money are way too attached to go and do that.
I love naps tbh. Took one after work I needed it bad before going to the gym.
But you’re better off just getting a full night of sleep every night and not napping
None anymore unless it's a particularly exhausting Saturday, even short 5 minute ones would f*** up my sleep patterns
I love naps tbh. Took one after work I needed it bad before going to the gym.
But you’re better off just getting a full night of sleep every night and not napping
b-b-but deprezzion
Stopped taking naps tbh.
Couldnt sleep at night, if I ended up napping for too long during the afternoon or after work.
I try to stay up or go to bed early (like 21PM), if I am really tired.
i used to HAVE to take a nap to get through the day post stroke cause my body was using so much extra energy to get through the day, that ended up stopping a year or so after i think. and now that i sleep through the night fully after my brain popped i have enough energy to get through the whole day unlike pre stroke me napping in EVERY car ride or anything similar cause my AVM was waking me up 5-6 times per night disrupting my sleep cycle
very rarely tbh