What you think that says about you?
Wether it is through contradiction, going agnaist your values or letting yourself down as general?
a lot
hypocrisy is part of the experience as a human but it’s always good to live by something, i think everyone does tbh
a lot
hypocrisy is part of the experience as a human but it’s always good to live by something, i think everyone does tbh
You're right but what draws the line?
less and less every day
aligning my actions with my beliefs is at the root of my personal philosophy
It’s been a work in progress but I’ve been getting better at it recently. It helps being honest with yourself and knowing exactly what you want. I found myself dealing with this when it came to p***. I didn’t actively fight against it until I admitted to myself I had a problem.
What you think that says about you?
Never, everything I do, I do in service of myself
used to do it all the time
anxiety + masking
its like being a chameleon, u test and see how much of ur real self is accepted/tolerable and what u have to adapt towards...
its exhausting af plus u never get the feeling u actually connect with people cause there is always this wall
and eventually nobody really gets to know u
but also feels like u can never stand up for yourself, cause who is yourself? where is that part of yourself?
by the time ive noticed, its already too late and im already in the overthinking stage