ripped skinny niggas eat. I get no play because I look fertile and women can feel how soft my body is on the dancefloor
u like ok nothing to b ashamed of.
we always tell u that u look good/ok but u disagree. why do u keep asking fr?
Lift until you can bench your own weight or a little bit above. Your pecs will definitely pop out
Lift until you can bench your own weight or a little bit above. Your pecs will definitely pop out
I want to get ripped before I start bulking for a year straight. I’m not trying to spend any more time than I need to looking fat and sloppy and being ashamed to take my shirt off in front of people
I want to get ripped before I start bulking for a year straight. I’m not trying to spend any more time than I need to looking fat and sloppy and being ashamed to take my shirt off in front of people
Are you able to flex your abs?
I’m on a tropical vacation and too embarrassed to take my tank off at the beach
You’re in good shape can’t even defend you at this point
Are you able to flex your abs?
No, but you can kind of see the outline of where my abs would be 20 pounds from now
No, but you can kind of see the outline of where my abs would be 20 pounds from now
You’re just gonna ignore every positive comment ain’t ya?
No, but you can kind of see the outline of where my abs would be 20 pounds from now
At your foundation just lift and eat your and will start showing.
You’ve got a good foundation give it 6 months and try ignore your body dysmorphia
how are you still allowed to make threads @gold_experience
You’re tall, lean and have broad shoulders and good chest development
Train rear delts to better your posture your starting point is way ahead of what a lot of people can even dream of.
You’re tall, lean and have broad shoulders and good chest development
Train rear delts to better your posture your starting point is way ahead of what a lot of people can even dream of.
I’ve been training pretty consistently for a year while on a failed calorie deficit
ripped skinny niggas eat. I get no play because I look fertile and women can feel how soft my body is on the dancefloor
You're a fine looking guy
You are horribly judgmental and that has made you very insecure
That is the reason you are having a bad time
Not all the little flaws you find about yourself
I’ve been training pretty consistently for a year while on a failed calorie deficit
Don’t deficit. You’ve got a lean body type. Eat freely aiming to get as much protein in and challenge yourself to lift incrementally heavier every session. A motivated training partner will help.
In 6-7 months you’ll look fantastic
I’ve been training pretty consistently for a year while on a failed calorie deficit
r u using weights or machines
I’ve been training pretty consistently for a year while on a failed calorie deficit
You look naturally athletic
Just lift and eat
I don't understand how op is so aware of the "real" dynamics of gender and culture in dating and rags on his looks all day but has no awareness of his actual shortcomings or desire to do things differently
It's like his mind is made up about specific narratives and he simply looks to confirm them
r u using weights or machines
Mostly machines. My wrists would snap in half if I tried to use weights for heavy lifts lol