s*** COLD slim shady vibes
A million times better than the song he went with for this flow on BISD, OK Alright
A million times better than the song he went with for this flow on BISD, OK Alright
Honestly I dig Ok Ya Right too you can feel the Em influence on those kinda songs - don't hear it too often from 50 that flow
nigga said his bm got herpes
Honestly I dig Ok Ya Right too you can feel the Em influence on those kinda songs - don't hear it too often from 50 that flow
Hook to this slaps, OK you re right hook stiff and monotone af and a waste of a killer beat
Hook to this slaps, OK you re right hook stiff and monotone af and a waste of a killer beat
I agree the hook wasn't it, liked the verses with that flow though
he klilled it on this with ima ridaaaaaa
BISD is still slept on
I like Pyscho more than Patiently Waiting
Verses are dope but like alot of songs on that album the hook holds it back. Back then Eminem could still deliver a good guest verse lol
Verses are dope but like alot of songs on that album the hook holds it back. Back then Eminem could still deliver a good guest verse lol
Curtis has some great hooks, if only he could have merged the stuff from Curtis with the better rapping on BISD
Curtis has some great hooks, if only he could have merged the stuff from Curtis with the better rapping on BISD
If I'm not mistaken alot of bisd was already recorded when he made Curtis. A merger woulda been the move Curtis coulda def used some of those songs on the first half of bisd