  • Dec 17, 2021


  • Dec 17, 2021
    5 replies

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how

  • Dec 17, 2021

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how


  • Dec 17, 2021

    It's explained in the the pinned comment under the video.

  • Dec 17, 2021

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how

  • Dec 17, 2021
    3 replies


    There was already 6 or so coronaviruses in 2012/2013 when the Pandemic song was created and a coronavirus was being talked about a lot at the time. As for mentioning 2020, well 2020-2030 was just significant years to me, as well as many other people that are educated on these esoteric topics. 10 years ago it was said that 2012 was nothing to worry about, it's 2020-30 to pay attention to. To me, the lyrics are just more of a coincidence than a prediction as I don't feel I was "trying" to predict anything, I just rapped about what I was watching. But call it a prediction, dumb luck, coincidence, remote viewing, predictive programming (lmao) or whatever you want. People just never heard of a coronavirus which is part of a family of viruses, hence why they dubbed the new one covid-19 or sars-cov-II. Sars & Mers were both coronaviruses as well. Just a tad bit of information... annnnd I'm not the only dude that mentioned the damn coronavirus back in 2013!!!!
    Sooooo once again, NO, I'm not a prophet. Not Nostradamus. No, I don't make predictions and No I'm not a writer for The Simpsons. BUT, I have been studying docs and listening to "insiders" & "whistle blowers" in lectures and interviews for 10+ years and some things just add up and lyrics come out of it. NOT a prediction, simple as that. Yea I know, mentioning a coronavirus and 2020 in a song titled Pandemic from 2013 is strange to most people, but not so much to me as this is what I do, I watch "crazy s***" and make esoteric underground hip hop. I have had A LOT of time to look into wild s*** and dive down the rabbit hole as I never had a 9-5, lol. To sum it up, in 2012 a coronavirus was always in the news and being talked about, in 2012 people in lectures, interviews, etc were sayin 2012 was nothing to worry about and 2020-2030 people should pay attention to, then we made a track called pandemic and I wrote a bunch of that s*** into the track and I happened to say that line yall freaking out over. But you can believe what you want to believe. Peace to everyone and thanks for listening!

    Lock thread.

  • Dec 17, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo


    There was already 6 or so coronaviruses in 2012/2013 when the Pandemic song was created and a coronavirus was being talked about a lot at the time. As for mentioning 2020, well 2020-2030 was just significant years to me, as well as many other people that are educated on these esoteric topics. 10 years ago it was said that 2012 was nothing to worry about, it's 2020-30 to pay attention to. To me, the lyrics are just more of a coincidence than a prediction as I don't feel I was "trying" to predict anything, I just rapped about what I was watching. But call it a prediction, dumb luck, coincidence, remote viewing, predictive programming (lmao) or whatever you want. People just never heard of a coronavirus which is part of a family of viruses, hence why they dubbed the new one covid-19 or sars-cov-II. Sars & Mers were both coronaviruses as well. Just a tad bit of information... annnnd I'm not the only dude that mentioned the damn coronavirus back in 2013!!!!
    Sooooo once again, NO, I'm not a prophet. Not Nostradamus. No, I don't make predictions and No I'm not a writer for The Simpsons. BUT, I have been studying docs and listening to "insiders" & "whistle blowers" in lectures and interviews for 10+ years and some things just add up and lyrics come out of it. NOT a prediction, simple as that. Yea I know, mentioning a coronavirus and 2020 in a song titled Pandemic from 2013 is strange to most people, but not so much to me as this is what I do, I watch "crazy s***" and make esoteric underground hip hop. I have had A LOT of time to look into wild s*** and dive down the rabbit hole as I never had a 9-5, lol. To sum it up, in 2012 a coronavirus was always in the news and being talked about, in 2012 people in lectures, interviews, etc were sayin 2012 was nothing to worry about and 2020-2030 people should pay attention to, then we made a track called pandemic and I wrote a bunch of that s*** into the track and I happened to say that line yall freaking out over. But you can believe what you want to believe. Peace to everyone and thanks for listening!

    Lock thread.

    the cia got him locked in a basement & got hold of his account in order to hide the truth! there is no actual live footage of dr creep saying this only written posts

  • Zaywop 💰
    Dec 17, 2021

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how

  • Dec 17, 2021

    Someone call for Dr.Creep?

  • What makes him terrible?

  • Dec 18, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo


    There was already 6 or so coronaviruses in 2012/2013 when the Pandemic song was created and a coronavirus was being talked about a lot at the time. As for mentioning 2020, well 2020-2030 was just significant years to me, as well as many other people that are educated on these esoteric topics. 10 years ago it was said that 2012 was nothing to worry about, it's 2020-30 to pay attention to. To me, the lyrics are just more of a coincidence than a prediction as I don't feel I was "trying" to predict anything, I just rapped about what I was watching. But call it a prediction, dumb luck, coincidence, remote viewing, predictive programming (lmao) or whatever you want. People just never heard of a coronavirus which is part of a family of viruses, hence why they dubbed the new one covid-19 or sars-cov-II. Sars & Mers were both coronaviruses as well. Just a tad bit of information... annnnd I'm not the only dude that mentioned the damn coronavirus back in 2013!!!!
    Sooooo once again, NO, I'm not a prophet. Not Nostradamus. No, I don't make predictions and No I'm not a writer for The Simpsons. BUT, I have been studying docs and listening to "insiders" & "whistle blowers" in lectures and interviews for 10+ years and some things just add up and lyrics come out of it. NOT a prediction, simple as that. Yea I know, mentioning a coronavirus and 2020 in a song titled Pandemic from 2013 is strange to most people, but not so much to me as this is what I do, I watch "crazy s***" and make esoteric underground hip hop. I have had A LOT of time to look into wild s*** and dive down the rabbit hole as I never had a 9-5, lol. To sum it up, in 2012 a coronavirus was always in the news and being talked about, in 2012 people in lectures, interviews, etc were sayin 2012 was nothing to worry about and 2020-2030 people should pay attention to, then we made a track called pandemic and I wrote a bunch of that s*** into the track and I happened to say that line yall freaking out over. But you can believe what you want to believe. Peace to everyone and thanks for listening!

    Lock thread.

    dude killed his own hype immediately tf

  • Dec 18, 2021

    what a dumbass man lmfaoooo

  • Dec 18, 2021
    3 replies
    Smacked Voodoo


    There was already 6 or so coronaviruses in 2012/2013 when the Pandemic song was created and a coronavirus was being talked about a lot at the time. As for mentioning 2020, well 2020-2030 was just significant years to me, as well as many other people that are educated on these esoteric topics. 10 years ago it was said that 2012 was nothing to worry about, it's 2020-30 to pay attention to. To me, the lyrics are just more of a coincidence than a prediction as I don't feel I was "trying" to predict anything, I just rapped about what I was watching. But call it a prediction, dumb luck, coincidence, remote viewing, predictive programming (lmao) or whatever you want. People just never heard of a coronavirus which is part of a family of viruses, hence why they dubbed the new one covid-19 or sars-cov-II. Sars & Mers were both coronaviruses as well. Just a tad bit of information... annnnd I'm not the only dude that mentioned the damn coronavirus back in 2013!!!!
    Sooooo once again, NO, I'm not a prophet. Not Nostradamus. No, I don't make predictions and No I'm not a writer for The Simpsons. BUT, I have been studying docs and listening to "insiders" & "whistle blowers" in lectures and interviews for 10+ years and some things just add up and lyrics come out of it. NOT a prediction, simple as that. Yea I know, mentioning a coronavirus and 2020 in a song titled Pandemic from 2013 is strange to most people, but not so much to me as this is what I do, I watch "crazy s***" and make esoteric underground hip hop. I have had A LOT of time to look into wild s*** and dive down the rabbit hole as I never had a 9-5, lol. To sum it up, in 2012 a coronavirus was always in the news and being talked about, in 2012 people in lectures, interviews, etc were sayin 2012 was nothing to worry about and 2020-2030 people should pay attention to, then we made a track called pandemic and I wrote a bunch of that s*** into the track and I happened to say that line yall freaking out over. But you can believe what you want to believe. Peace to everyone and thanks for listening!

    Lock thread.

    Thats dope

    I didnt know about covid until early 2019 when it was starting to take hold in China, still knew earlier than most people & I assumed it probably been around a but before, but i didnt know it went back that deep.

    Just like Ebola & Swine Flu s***s crazy how its always bubbling & incubating before it hits major. And only a very few people pay attention or even have any idea before its "mainstream".

    Really shows that nothing pops out "out the blue".

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Thats dope

    I didnt know about covid until early 2019 when it was starting to take hold in China, still knew earlier than most people & I assumed it probably been around a but before, but i didnt know it went back that deep.

    Just like Ebola & Swine Flu s***s crazy how its always bubbling & incubating before it hits major. And only a very few people pay attention or even have any idea before its "mainstream".

    Really shows that nothing pops out "out the blue".

    Wym went that deep?

    Hes saying Coronavirus the family of viruses been around for decades

    The cold is a Coronavirus.

    He didnt claim covid 19 was around back then

    And how on earth did u know about covid19 in early 2019?

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Thats dope

    I didnt know about covid until early 2019 when it was starting to take hold in China, still knew earlier than most people & I assumed it probably been around a but before, but i didnt know it went back that deep.

    Just like Ebola & Swine Flu s***s crazy how its always bubbling & incubating before it hits major. And only a very few people pay attention or even have any idea before its "mainstream".

    Really shows that nothing pops out "out the blue".

    Coronavirus has always existed like many of our soaps and cleaning products state the kinda bacteria, germs, viruses, etc that they kill on their labels. Of course it's in small text so most people don't see it.

    I remember being told this last year so I looked for an old spraybottle of what used to be Lysol from years back and sure enough, coronavirus right there on it lol s*** made me start looking at all the other nasty s*** these cleaners kill so I won't be too surprised in the future

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Thats dope

    I didnt know about covid until early 2019 when it was starting to take hold in China, still knew earlier than most people & I assumed it probably been around a but before, but i didnt know it went back that deep.

    Just like Ebola & Swine Flu s***s crazy how its always bubbling & incubating before it hits major. And only a very few people pay attention or even have any idea before its "mainstream".

    Really shows that nothing pops out "out the blue".

    Early 2020 you mean?

  • Dec 18, 2021

    Wym went that deep?

    Hes saying Coronavirus the family of viruses been around for decades

    The cold is a Coronavirus.

    He didnt claim covid 19 was around back then

    And how on earth did u know about covid19 in early 2019?

    Obviously talking about the covid in general as in name how we now know it lol.

    He even explains that the covid strain hes specifically talking about was being watched at the time & was projected to be a possible worry by late 2010s or in 2020s, which is what happened & now.

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Early 2020 you mean?

    Nah, the covid we all know about started in 2019 (china wise) & didnt get major coverage until late 2019, nov & dec period, & when it started to become out of control.

    It didnt personally hit america tho until march 2020.

    Im an at risk person with health issues so my docs & also just myself try to keep up on it & other similar things within reason.

  • Dec 18, 2021

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how

  • Dec 18, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    Coronavirus has always existed like many of our soaps and cleaning products state the kinda bacteria, germs, viruses, etc that they kill on their labels. Of course it's in small text so most people don't see it.

    I remember being told this last year so I looked for an old spraybottle of what used to be Lysol from years back and sure enough, coronavirus right there on it lol s*** made me start looking at all the other nasty s*** these cleaners kill so I won't be too surprised in the future

    Yeah lmao i didnt know of covid as we know it now until it start bubbling in china thanks to my docs & the stuff i keep up on as an at risk person.

    Crazy how it started to go out of control in the nov to dec period, & a lot of people & media (state side) still didnt know until march 2020.

    Lotta people dont realize tho a lot of this stuff with scientists & major doctors is being tracked & projected for at least a decade for stuff that can potentially become dangerous. Wild stuff.

  • Dec 18, 2021

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Nah, the covid we all know about started in 2019 (china wise) & didnt get major coverage until late 2019, nov & dec period, & when it started to become out of control.

    It didnt personally hit america tho until march 2020.

    Im an at risk person with health issues so my docs & also just myself try to keep up on it & other similar things within reason.

    Earliest I’ve heard is October 2019

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Google his uncle and you’ll know how

    Who? Nothing came up

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Earliest I’ve heard is October 2019

    Yeah summer around august iirc is when the very first small whispers offically started to come up. There's social media talk even earlier & charting that year, still not considered a threat or anything to worry.

    I didnt worry about it or think nothing of it until that oct to nov period tho. Then dec is when it it bacame serious & we got our first public record directly from china. Then Jan 2020 is when my own docs started talking about it.

    It wasnt much to worry about until the last 2 to 3 months of 2019.

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Yeah summer around august iirc is when the very first small whispers offically started to come up. There's social media talk even earlier & charting that year, still not considered a threat or anything to worry.

    I didnt worry about it or think nothing of it until that oct to nov period tho. Then dec is when it it bacame serious & we got our first public record directly from china. Then Jan 2020 is when my own docs started talking about it.

    It wasnt much to worry about until the last 2 to 3 months of 2019.

    I think it was January or early Feb when we started to see videos of Chinese people being welded into their homes and collapsing on the streets. Crazy time to be alive