Read some of the beginning, the middle and the end, and try to look for the important parts ofc. Write your report about that, and then with the time you have left read as much as you can of the rest you had left, and adjust your report accordingly. And then just hope you can get a passing grade
Also look up if there's a summary somewhere
I appreciate the advice thats pretty much the game plan I have to get at least a 60% to have a 70% in the class
How many pages does the book report have to be?
And why the hell is a College still doing book reports?
Supposed to be doing annotated bibliographies and s***
at least 4
i think u can if the book is written well enough to actually lay out influence in the way u alluded to when describing it -- s*** like that typically has ripple effects that u can even see in certain parts of society today, and i dunno what ur paper would have to be bout, but i think that by itself could be a starting point to investigate the book with
what's the book called/who's it by
Presidents and parties in the public mind by some gary guy
honestly just skim thru the pages and look at the last pages of the chapters to try and get a gist. look up peer reviews and summaries of the book of possible.
Look up summaries
Change the font on your ebook you f*** theres no reason the book multiplied just cuz its electronic
Skim thru eachchapter and pick important topics
DONT try to sound intelligent when you write to compensate theyll sniff that out
If all fails man go online and look up file corrupters so when you gotta send it in youll have maybe a couple days more before they realize they cant open it
at least 4
Thats lightwork man. I've been seeing people on here talking about 20+ pages.I swear somebody in the College thread had 100+ pages to write or something wild
Just write yours like a regular book report, get as close to 4 pages as humanly possible and then pad the rest with quotes from the book + the extended bridge of how it relates to the topic. 40 words max on those quotes tho
The book is the same length either way, 278 pages vs 6000 pages your gonna read the same amount
4 pages and 4 days to do it
How dumb and lazy can a person be
The book is the same length either way, 278 pages vs 6000 pages your gonna read the same amount
4 pages and 4 days to do it
How dumb and lazy can a person be
Why i gotta be dumb AND lazy
If you don't see how reading a straight forward 270 is psychologically less daunting than 6000 Idk what to say
The people not making fun of OP itt but are providing advice are appreciated fr y'all know who you are
Look up summaries
Change the font on your ebook you f*** theres no reason the book multiplied just cuz its electronic
Skim thru eachchapter and pick important topics
DONT try to sound intelligent when you write to compensate theyll sniff that out
If all fails man go online and look up file corrupters so when you gotta send it in youll have maybe a couple days more before they realize they cant open it
Changed my font and it's still 6000 + but good looks
The people not making fun of OP itt but are providing advice are appreciated fr y'all know who you are
op the best advice is to get off ktt and go write :
op the best advice is to get off ktt and go write :
I know
Focus on the questions in the prompt. Find a summary online of your book, maybe an outline (Sparknotes, Wikis, other book reports). This will help you answer whatever questions or to start creating an outline of your own. Sometimes political books like that have a documentary version of them that cover everything in an hour or 2, ive gotten way lucky with that one.
If theres no prompt, basically summarize your book, bring out a few random details that could only be found if you read the book, then go all out on your opinions on the subject. If you do it right you can fill up half the essay with not only believable but impressive bullshit.
do this and you should at least pull off a D so you dont fail the class. If you cant, dont procrastinate.
Mans doing a book report in college.
University of Phoenix mf
Kiddie Kollage mf
Mans doing a book report in college.
University of Phoenix mf
Kiddie Kollage mf
just look up a summary/ book reports on the same book then copy n paste while also typing original written text from you
Lol you don't need read page to page
Break the chapter down into main concepts after speedrunning through it, makes notes on the important ideas with highlights and copy and paste those into a document.
Research the book and cross reference with the main ideas you pulled to get some summary/good usable info
From there you should be able to start writing, you'd pull in more needed detail from the book as you get the main concepts/ideas onto paper in your own words.
I procrastinated a 50 page capstone senior paper until the day before it was due
Spent the last 2 days reading through 5 academic research papers on f***ing accounting while writing my own paper about it at same time lol
being a procrastinator is no excuse for not doing it OP