Chipotle doesn’t verify online orders for s***
they just leave them sitting on the tables when you walk in
you can pretty much just walk in and grab one
but I recommend switching up locations and never hitting the location twice in a week
Chipotle Employee:
"Hey, what are you doing with that order?"
Picking up change off the street a solid method to get food, guarantee it’ll only take you a couple minutes to find a dollar if you downtown
Might work once but they would definitely recognize you after a while lol
wear a big facemask and they wouldn't know who you were
So try to steal someone's food as if they aren't literally right there waiting to confirm.
I’m snitching, sorry OP
Shoutout all my fellow homeless niggas !
Life is tough but we tougher 💯
I always think this when picking up my online order what's stopping me from taking someone else’s. Nothing
What he means is you just walk up to the shelf where the online orders are and take a bag and walk out
Never been asked to verify once when picking mine up
They do same s*** at Starbucks. Would help if you went when it was busy so none of the employees would notice you.
I've been thinking this, everytime I go to chipotle or qdoba I think what's stopping any person from just walking in and taking a bag of food?