  • Jan 9, 2021

    What camera / film mm do I need for pics like this?

    Seen different types of film photos but this is the style I want, the images just look nice and vivid AF. Would appreciate it.

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Pretty sure this is medium format film

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    might be a specific colour film, might just be regular film.

    honestly film in general gives that softness and a***og look in photos in general if you know how to work a camera.

    Just go on and do research. Lots of photographers have their portfolio on there and list what camera and film they use for each of their photos.

    you can even search through specific kinds of films if i recall

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    might be a specific colour film, might just be regular film.

    honestly film in general gives that softness and a***og look in photos in general if you know how to work a camera.

    Just go on and do research. Lots of photographers have their portfolio on there and list what camera and film they use for each of their photos.

    you can even search through specific kinds of films if i recall

    i hear that

    some girl i know who took some fire pictures recommended an nikon f60 (can get one on ebay for cheap), just wanted to make sure i get the right film so i don't have to spend time trial and erroring

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Bro this looks straight from a phone, using a filter
    Maybe not the last 4 shots 🔥

  • Jan 9, 2021

    i hear that

    some girl i know who took some fire pictures recommended an nikon f60 (can get one on ebay for cheap), just wanted to make sure i get the right film so i don't have to spend time trial and erroring

    if this is your first time getting into photography f60 looks like a good start on a budget. you could just buy cheaper film and play around with it to get comfortable with the shutter speed, aperture, knowing how to work in different lighting.

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    1st looks cool cause of the background, its darker vs the flashed foreground fo the guys face, it creates that effect u want

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Depends on your budget.

    A good entry point set up for a quick point & shoot can be something like a Yashica T4 paired with a simple 400 Fujifilm.

    If you want a really high end option, pick up a Contax T2/T3 with either Lomography 800 or Portra 400.

    If you’ve never shot film before, just do some basic research on cameras based on your budget.

    Those pictures aren’t anything special, you can even get that with a simple disposable camera.

  • Jan 10, 2021

    entry point
    recommends some random decent point and shoot that has exorbitant price from random people in fashion industry stanning it

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    1st looks cool cause of the background, its darker vs the flashed foreground fo the guys face, it creates that effect u want

    Shieeet yeah you’re right. Guess I just gotta experiment and see. Different times, lighting, shots etc. Have some disposables for now that I’ll mess around with to get some results

  • Jan 10, 2021

    fuji superia x-tra 400

    that’s what I use

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Shieeet yeah you’re right. Guess I just gotta experiment and see. Different times, lighting, shots etc. Have some disposables for now that I’ll mess around with to get some results

    anyone who knows anything about film photog will tell u the camera barely f***ing matters
    if ya really want to "experiment", get a manual film camera and f*** with the exposure using aperture shutter and the iso of the film

  • Jan 10, 2021

    anyone who knows anything about film photog will tell u the camera barely f***ing matters
    if ya really want to "experiment", get a manual film camera and f*** with the exposure using aperture shutter and the iso of the film

  • Coming from a film photographer, You’re probably good with a disposable

  • Jan 12, 2021


  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply


    you can easily recreate this effect in photoshop

    it’s so trendy there’s tons of tutorials out there

  • Jan 14, 2021

    Buy a point and shoot that’s literally it