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  • Dec 30, 2019

    What are some ways you guys make money? Preferably self employed. Been researching dropshipping a lot recently so might try that. Also I know reselling but I feel like if you don’t have a top tier bot you’re at a major disadvantage.

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    send me 100, I'll flip it

  • Dec 30, 2019

    send me 100, I'll flip it

    I used to do that. Lost a lot of money

  • Dec 30, 2019
    3 replies

    Dropshipping is something you should try if you have least 2-5k to lose, that you don't need anymore srs.

    The people who sell the dream of being easy and getting rich quick just want to sell you a course

    I tried dropshipping with a low budget but with a market that had low comp and I just learned a ton but didn't didn't make any money.

    I'm rich so it doesn't matter.

  • Dec 30, 2019

    Collect mushrooms, Mario.

  • Dec 30, 2019

    g4p cool if you close your eyes

  • start a simple home maintanence company. Like painting. Market get customers, pay sub contractors and take profit. Rinse repeat.

  • Dec 30, 2019

    Find a market to sell to on eBay

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    get a job like the rest of us

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    get a job like the rest of us

    Have one but I’m boutta get fired so on top of looking for another one I’m tryna get a side hustle

  • Dec 30, 2019

    Have one but I’m boutta get fired so on top of looking for another one I’m tryna get a side hustle

    lunch box rat race

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    Dropshipping is something you should try if you have least 2-5k to lose, that you don't need anymore srs.

    The people who sell the dream of being easy and getting rich quick just want to sell you a course

    I tried dropshipping with a low budget but with a market that had low comp and I just learned a ton but didn't didn't make any money.

    I'm rich so it doesn't matter.

    Interesting. Yea I dont have much money to risk cause I have bills to keep up with every month but I’ve been doing my own research from people not selling courses. What are some things u learned?

  • Dec 30, 2019

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    On the deep web I pay $979 in bitcoin for $30k in amex cards

  • Dec 30, 2019

    On the deep web I pay $979 in bitcoin for $30k in amex cards

    I’m on the deeps webs too trying different things. Currently make and sell edibles but need a bigger customer base but I just moved to a new state so only people I know from my current job I’m bout to quit

  • Dec 30, 2019
    1 reply

    Interesting. Yea I dont have much money to risk cause I have bills to keep up with every month but I’ve been doing my own research from people not selling courses. What are some things u learned?

    Influencer marketing doesn't work anymore. Your store design should be really good. I thought i knew about marketing, when you get into the fire, you realize how little you know.

    It's like the tyson quote about everybody have a plan until bla bla bla

  • Get a job? Become a YouTuber?

  • Dec 30, 2019
    2 replies

    Onlyfans? Sell pictures of your feet?

  • Dec 30, 2019

    Onlyfans? Sell pictures of your feet?

    Whose tryna buy male feet pics signs me tf up

  • Dec 31, 2019

    Sell P****! Oldest profession in the game b

  • How to make a money

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Dropshipping is something you should try if you have least 2-5k to lose, that you don't need anymore srs.

    The people who sell the dream of being easy and getting rich quick just want to sell you a course

    I tried dropshipping with a low budget but with a market that had low comp and I just learned a ton but didn't didn't make any money.

    I'm rich so it doesn't matter.

    Could you put me on the dropshipping game I got like 3-4K to spend but I’d like to see it come back

  • Jun 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Could you put me on the dropshipping game I got like 3-4K to spend but I’d like to see it come back

    I’d be happy to put you on game but can you share more on your goals/current progress?

  • Jun 30, 2020

    Influencer marketing doesn't work anymore. Your store design should be really good. I thought i knew about marketing, when you get into the fire, you realize how little you know.

    It's like the tyson quote about everybody have a plan until bla bla bla

    Influencer marketing can be insanely profitable, just depends on how well the product fits into influencers posts/stories and testing the right ad angles. Some products are just a terrible fit for the influencer route imo


    Dropshipping is something you should try if you have least 2-5k to lose, that you don't need anymore srs.

    The people who sell the dream of being easy and getting rich quick just want to sell you a course

    I tried dropshipping with a low budget but with a market that had low comp and I just learned a ton but didn't didn't make any money.

    I'm rich so it doesn't matter.

    rich how ?

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