bad idea
The only healthy successful that I’ve found in my opinion is to allow the memory to be with you and focus on it and let it f*** you up, it’s hell but eventually you will come to terms with it and allow yourself to heal and have acceptance. Doin anything else will eventually just become a vice for urself like drinking, gambling, etc. you can’t run from em
My best advice is just to accept what happened
The more you suppress the more it roots in your brain
The only healthy successful that I’ve found in my opinion is to allow the memory to be with you and focus on it and let it f*** you up, it’s hell but eventually you will come to terms with it and allow yourself to heal and have acceptance. Doin anything else will eventually just become a vice for urself like drinking, gambling, etc. you can’t run from em
what if it continues f***ing you up for several years on end? i agree with you don't get me wrong cause this is how i handle it too but i can imagine it'll keep the wrong person in an infinite spawn trap
If you can find closure seek that first. If u must suppress it, showcase it through creating. Use this feeling as therapy.
My best advice is just to accept what happened
The more you suppress the more it roots in your brain
The only healthy successful that I’ve found in my opinion is to allow the memory to be with you and focus on it and let it f*** you up, it’s hell but eventually you will come to terms with it and allow yourself to heal and have acceptance. Doin anything else will eventually just become a vice for urself like drinking, gambling, etc. you can’t run from em
how do you start this process? idk what the move is, I'm leaning toward writing some s*** down on some journaling type ish
DO NOT....
I tried this over the summer and I had the worst panic attack of my life. Was left with nonstop migraine and sharp pain in my head for 3 months. Like literally nonstop thumping in my temples. I almost passed out I was sweating like a mother f***er. Got put on blood pressure meds
its impossible to fully suppress that type of s*** and it will always come back worse than before
even on your best days it will always be lingering over you like a dark cloud
the only way to get past it is through it
what if it continues f***ing you up for several years on end? i agree with you don't get me wrong cause this is how i handle it too but i can imagine it'll keep the wrong person in an infinite spawn trap
That could be the case, I Mean I guess some people will handle everything different. but if there is a memory that is causing some sort of pain or uncomfort, you can just suppress it away. I think Balancing time to sit with the memory and coupling it with healthy outlets like an artform or hobby helps tremendously as well so you aren’t just spiraling out of control in constant depression. Also therapy is a wonderful help with this stuff too if you can do that, it’s helped me ALOT
how do you start this process? idk what the move is, I'm leaning toward writing some s*** down on some journaling type ish
I think channeling personal emotion into an artform of any sense is really crucial and beneficial for ones self that’s why so many powerful and great artist have a lot of s*** to their life. Also meditating is a great way to help yourself with it too. Like just sitting for 15 minutes and allowing your brain to do what it please is great to achieve acceptance with things, also someone did say something about shrooms. It will definitely bring all of your problems to the forefront for you which can sometimes be a beautiful learning experience or a complete anxious nightmare or it could just turn into a regular trip where your just in the moment
really tryna forget some childhood s*** how do i forget/suppress it?
man ur brain will do it automatically just focus on other s***
really tryna forget some childhood s*** how do i forget/suppress it?
I'm not a psychologist, but generally the more you try to suppress a thought, the more you negatively reinforce the thought, and the worse it will make you feel.
In other words if you distract yourself from an intrusive thought you are conditioning your brain to believe the thought is negative.
I would highly suggest seeing a therapist who will help you deal with whatever thought you are suffering from in a healthier way.
If you try to suppress bad memories, eventually they will resurface and cause havoc on your life. You may not want to, but you’re going to have to work through the bad memories and gain power over them.