posted this in the relationships thread but didn't get any help and i need some asap like rocky
so a couple of years ago i meet this girl and we clicked pretty well. we talked for 3-4 weeks and went on a lot of "dates" but then it kinda ended not too well due to pettiness and immaturity on both sides.
didn't hear from her after that, but she she had a quirky sense of humor i like and was into a lot of the same rappers and indie artists that i f*** with
on saturday i remade my tinder account and you know how you can kinda tell who swiped right on you by looking at the blurred out pictures? well she did.
i didn't swipe right on her until tuesday, because i had no clue if i wanted to. anyways i did because i figured what's the worse that could happen, plus i don't have anything against her.
so we matched and neither of us has said anything, and im not sure where to go from here?
Sounds like y’all didn’t really do s*** before, I would just say hey to her like you know her (cause you do), but no need to address what happened before
It sounds like you kinda overthinking what happened before considering y’all didn’t even smash and it was years ago
It sounds like you kinda overthinking what happened before considering y’all didn’t even smash and it was years ago
She wants the d. Don’t b a trick. Be direct, make sure u guys “click” again and do ya thing.
"You might go broke chasing every lil stank ass hoe wit a tongue piercing"
These hoes ALL quirky and ALL like the same music as you bro. F*** and dash
It sounds like you kinda overthinking what happened before considering y’all didn’t even smash and it was years ago
"You might go broke chasing every lil stank ass hoe wit a tongue piercing"
These hoes ALL quirky and ALL like the same music as you bro. F*** and dash
Youd be surprised
It sounds like you kinda overthinking what happened before considering y’all didn’t even smash and it was years ago
yeah you right, i just overthink everything with girls
Just say hi. See what happens. Maybe things might be better this time.
that seems the consensus, and prolly the best idea
Simple. Don’t.
im curious, why? i figure nothing too terrible can occur. even if it's a mistake im still young so now's my time to make them
im curious, why? i figure nothing too terrible can occur. even if it's a mistake im still young so now's my time to make them
Because life is about evolution and progression. You’re going to put yourself in a continuous loop of the same thing until you break out of it. Go forward. The fact that you even have to question what to do shows you should just let it go.
But that’s only my opinion.
You are p**** whiped. Still chasing ass from the past, thinking this time will be different.