Spending your time doing detective work on Drake is straight up goofy behavior
Music fans doing research on the music industry 😱😱😱😱
Drake stans gonna slander you for revealing that their lovable dork is manipulating careers
Drake really doing a MJ if this is true. But we all know how the industry did him in the end
Not reading all of that s***
Just say you listened to the JBP lmao
Literally lmao
We know you watch bro
Don’t need the redundancy @op
Push-ups got you sick huh?
drake didn't get his first (solo) #1 until the apple deal too
I remember they kept changing the rules to try and get him that and I was wondering who or how
Drake really doing a MJ if this is true. But we all know how the industry did him in the end
Music fans doing research on the music industry 😱😱😱😱
Drake Stan’s are unbelievable man
Spending your time doing detective work on Drake is straight up goofy behavior
This is a music forum. Lol
This reason why Kendrick moving all his music under PG lang and not with UMG anymore.
Holy s***
Not reading all of that s***
Just say you listened to the JBP lmao
this actually a way deeper dive than what joe said
@OP delivered
I think all Joe did was add fuel to a conversation that's been happening with information that we may not be privy to that he can access due to his stature
😂 here’s what happened.
1. Op listened to JBP,
2. googled gamma, Drake, umg
3. Create thread and copy + paste public information
What is the conclusion op is getting at? NOTHING
So basically, Drake is a powerful figure who does business with even more powerful figures. Those dealings require him to promote certain artists. Anything else? doesn’t sound so malicious to me lmao
After that desperate cornball s*** from Drake and Hush the other day i believe op
Starting to think this entire "beef" and the AI tracks coming out of it are all related to this gamma s***
110% my man
This s*** is no serious at all
After that desperate cornball s*** from Drake and Hush the other day i believe op
Since when is beef supposed to be fair? Lmao if y’all so confident in Kendrick then just chill he will come thru for you