  • Apr 17, 2024
    2 replies

    wouldnt doubt it if true, stake got too much power off the jump back in like 2021

    they got some serious money backing them

    Looks like an Aussie billionaire owns it:

    Ed Craven and Bijan Tehrani are the owners of, the famous crypto casino and sports betting website. is registered in Curaçao.Dec 11, 2023

    from google

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply

    Holy s*** y’all are some real life dweebs

  • Apr 17, 2024

    this is good info when we talk about artists just popping up out of nowhere. look at their connects, look at their managers, their agencies, family, all of that.

    we talk about the industry being less gatekeepy these days and maybe to an extent but there is still a lot of control and I don't mean that in a conspiracy way, just that relationships have always ruled the industry and that's how people usually breakthrough.

  • Apr 17, 2024
    2 replies

    no wonder he was promoting the Ross and Meek album earlier this year

  • Melz ⚜️
    Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply

    what i didn’t know is ian is on columbia lol


    The current rumor is he’s tied in with 4batz and then days later Drake followed him on IG

  • This s*** deeper than rap

  • Apr 17, 2024

    op spittin

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply

    Drake obv has some ownership in Gamma, but they're a pebble compared to UMG

    And for being so connected in the industry, their lineup is comically bad..

  • Apr 17, 2024

    red button has become a classic song in the last few weeks its crazy

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply


    The current rumor is he’s tied in with 4batz and then days later Drake followed him on IG

    click the music thing at the bottom of the figure it out dinner video thing and it’ll go to the audio

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply

    I’ve been saying since 2016/Views that he had a huge deal around that time that made him sell more and become quote on quote powerful. It’s no wonder why he started selling a lot more and getting his first number one with One Dance versus all of the other hits he had that never crossed over or made him officially #1 despite them all being objectively better songs

    He had the apple deal for views

    Him Larry Jackson with Tim Cook and Eddy Cue from Apple

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply
    Punish lee

    This reason why Kendrick moving all his music under PG lang and not with UMG anymore.

    he has not released any music on pglang/colombia/sony
    his last album was with UMG
    we don't know what label he is going to end up with. just like OVO was with warner now sony but Drake is still UMG

  • Apr 17, 2024
    John Mauve

    Makes Drake look bad so I agree

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    you are speculating its all his peers.
    but lets assuming he is, are you having that problem with the labels that have all these artists. If he does have a pocket in all these niggas its not like they just offered it to him, a deal was made that warranted something like that

    It’s not right for the labels to do it either.

    But the difference with this Drake s*** is that it’s not public info that he has ownership in these labels. Therefore, he’s going to these artists as friends / peers & the whole time he’s making money off their work. It’s like if you found out a coworker of yours was making money off of you every time you clocked in for a shift

  • Apr 17, 2024

    Here’s a really good video on this I saw 2 years ago. He breaks down everything even before Gamma was a thing

  • Apr 17, 2024
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    you tried to fit Drake into your narrative and just s*** on your whole point.

    how labels and function and having media promote them is not manipulation it's literally their job

    bro said drake is an exec producer on a show because some other company owns and just put his name on there

    It is manipulation. That’s the whole function of marketing. Manipulate consumers into buying the company’s product over the competitor.

    Manipulation isn’t inherently bad. Your parents manipulated you into doing homework and studying by giving you a gift when you got good grades.

  • Cole2
    · edited

    This will be a deep dive and requires a little bit of connecting dots,

    I wouldn’t troll here and this simply what I found. What started as researching gamma, opened a bunch of doors and connections.

    Long thread. This will get spooky

    TLDR gamma is propped up by a massive media, promo machine and UAE that covers all types of content. Drake has a likely quiet deal or cut of gamma thru his relationship with Larry Jackson and has a weird track record with Eldridge Industries, Gamma’s parent company which itself has ties to UMG

    I was already researching this stuff before the JBP and I was surprised and happy to hear Joe call it out. He can tell some f*** s*** going on but I don’t think he sees the larger puzzle like here yet.


    Larry Jackson was key in signing deals for AM exclusives, most importantly Drake and OVO Sound Radio. It was a good deal for both sides; Drake and Larry got close

    Drake provided Apple exclusive content, Apple promoted Drake music

    Larry Jackson maintained the position at Apple until 2023 when he founded “gamma.” with the previous Interscope (UMG) CFO Ike Youssef.

    Yousseff would describe how gamma existed as an idea from their Interscope days. Gamma goes on to raise a billion dollars with partners including Clive Davis, Apple and majority investor Todd Boehly.

    Gamma also acquired a distribution platform, Vydia. Which means owning The Shade Room, and distribution rights for artists like Usher and Rick Ross among others.

    However it does not end at just gamma. because of course gamma has a parent company. Despite advertising themselves as a major label alternative, gamma has more connections and power any label

    Todd Boehly is a very wealthy powerful business owner that has dozens of companies in every sector under his holding company Eldridge Industries. Including gamma

    Eldridge Industries owns all of the following in music, media, entertainment and sports:

    Billboard / Billboard music awards
    Rolling Stone
    The Shade Room(podcast deal w/ owner)
    Daily Hits Double
    D*** Clark Productions
    The Hollywood Reporter
    Life is Beautiful
    Golden Globes
    Latin Music Awards
    American Music Awards
    Streamy Awards
    Los Angeles Dodgers
    Chelsea FC

    With behind the scenes ownership on all these brands, they can plant and cross promote their artists and products to create an illusion of popularity, critical acclaim, and importance

    Now remember Larry and Drake were close in the Apple days. On Family Feud, Drake raps “somebody get Larry Jackson on the phone, I need some ownership if we pressin go”

    There’s also a bar on the leaked version of Splash Bros that Drake sent the C&D for. “Lucian and me are like Kobe & Shaquille - that’s the reason going independent never had an appeal” SMHHHH

    Larry also knew Drake sent the C&D and thought it was “funny”

    I agree with JBP that Drake has equity or in gamma or gets publishing off their artists, possibly via his mega deal with UMG. UMG also has their own ties to the Eldridge Industries empire.

    The former CEO of UMG South Africa, Sipho Dlamini just joined gamma as one of their global ambassadors

    Drake has been heavily promoting Sexyy on tour, videos, IG, music, etc. and also been promoting 4batz. However that 4batz one EP OVO deal is smoke and mirrors marketing - he’s gamma since day 1. and perhaps hints a deeper relationship between Drake, UMG and gamma. And before you say cap Larry slipped on latest Joe Budden podcast and said thanks supporting sexy and 4batz ahhh ok ok I see u larry lol

    Sexyy Red and 4batz are the first full artists of gamma and the signs are clear of the manipulation (remember the brands owned by Eldridge Industries) in how they position gamma and their talent. Rolling Stone gave sexy #1 song of the year lol

    Lucian/UMG are partnered with Eldridge and Boehly. the ties and signs are too obvious. Look at these articles gassing up UMGs dealings and protecting Lucian from the feds.

    It goes deeper

    Remember when Drake signed that big UMG deal? Look who made sure we all knew! Variety and VIBE = #EldridgeOwnsIt

    You ever wonder why Drake said f*** the Grammys but still showed up every year to Billboard Music Awards? Look at the banner in the back, D*** Clark Prod and Billboard Music Awards? #EldridgeOwnsIt

    You wonder how Drake got the A24 exec producer deal for Euphoria? A24? #EldridgeOwnsIt

    Remember when Drake “rented” Dodger stadium? Todd Boehly owns the team and everyone had to know. Dodgers Stadium and Billboard? #EldridgeOwnsIt

    Oh and who owns Luminate? (fka Nielsen, that reports music sales) OHHH and they merged the Rollin Stone charts and announced it at SXSW. So they own the charts and how the data is counted! #EldridgeOwnsAllOfIt

    Who owns the Streamy Awards and why did Drake start hanging around content creators at the same time Boehly invested in Viral Nation? A social media management and brand partnership company based in Toronto? #EldridgeOwnsIt

    UMG, gamma, Eldridge its all one massive propaganda machine. Drake equipped with their enterprise of social media, labels, media and “award shows” this is all cooked. Not just Drake but this system can be used for any of their artist.

    Gamma is already worth $400 million with this system in place and just got a $100 million investment from a shell company tied with the UAE in Feb. Look what drizzy got from the UAE a few weeks later…..

    I might be missing a piece or two but this goes deep. I’ll keep going too.

    I see you've also heard ss2 😈😏

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply

    Very good read @op

    It was always weird how Drake pushed Sexyy Red of all artists lmao, same with 4batz

  • Apr 17, 2024

    I’ve been saying since 2016/Views that he had a huge deal around that time that made him sell more and become quote on quote powerful. It’s no wonder why he started selling a lot more and getting his first number one with One Dance versus all of the other hits he had that never crossed over or made him officially #1 despite them all being objectively better songs

    my nigga wtf are you talking about

  • Apr 17, 2024

    what i didn’t know is ian is on columbia lol

    hes signed to akon brother who was working with kanye

  • Apr 17, 2024

    These used to be the best types of threads on ktt1 now brainlet kids allergic to words


    but real ones appreciate the effort OP went into researching this

  • Apr 17, 2024
    Lil Uzi Horizontal

    Looks like an Aussie billionaire owns it:

    Ed Craven and Bijan Tehrani are the owners of, the famous crypto casino and sports betting website. is registered in Curaçao.Dec 11, 2023

    from google

    give it time op gon find out how UMG and gamma and the UAE own stake too

  • Apr 17, 2024

    The patreon JBP episode , joe was basically alluding that Drake has always been playing "Michael Jackson games" since the young money days. Said he's in bed with every label

  • Apr 17, 2024
    2 replies

    no wonder he was promoting the Ross and Meek album earlier this year

    I wonder if the artists were aware or how it got out

    They’re trying to court Travis heavy to gamma too

  • Apr 17, 2024
    1 reply
    BIG early

    rest in peace

    real ones already knew about the industry and Drake ties

    let me s***post

    also if you wanna s***post actually post some funny s*** instead of some weak played out bullshit like “i ain’t reading allat”. respectfully
