  • Water Giver 💧
    Apr 9
    Water Giver

    I fixed Kendricks timeline my bad

    I left OD out on accident i thot i did add it

    Klep 2009 OD 2010 S80 2011 GKMC 2012 is the timeline

    Its wild how its year after

    Especially, like i said in op of Kendrick, OD to GKMC

    How tf you make OD then make S80 THEN MAKE GKMC all under a year of one another

    Same with Drake, as mentioned in op, with SFG to NWTS

    They had to be doing double shifts

    Or they literally wrote and record songs in weeks to few months for just one, then go straight to the next one and vang it out again in a few weeks to few months

    I dont think people how insane this is

    Along with how successful and conceptual the projects by both of them are, its not "fast food" music, but goddamn it was spat out like it was - nor is it fresstyled s*** like wayne, jay and pac

    That is something I wish an interviewer would ask them

    How tf dud you organize, set up & give yourself a chance to breathe - and - was it banging one project out after the other focused on one each, or were making 2 to 3 projects basically at once and divided the tracks over time?

    Mad genius s*** frfr

    The only other thing like it is Kanye's similar mad genius run of 2010 to 2013 of good fridays 09, mbdtf 2010, wtt 2011, cruel summer 2012 and yeezus 2013

    Literal inhuman s*** man its so wild and how do you keep track of all that and how do you not burn out or spiral out of control

    If u ever interview one of these mans this is a question i need u to ask any of them @YoungNastyShawty

    How were they able to keep track & work like that while putting out full fledged projects less than a year from each other for multiple year and without getting burnt out or going crazy

  • Jbreezyondeck

    You mean the same guy that called him Michael Jackson 🤨

    I still think this was a weird diss lmao like congrats you’re less successful than Drake

    Roc Marci could’ve said the same s*** about both of them and it would stand and also mean nothing

  • They like Messi and Ronaldo from rap

  • drake discography both overhated and underrated