People didn't appreciate HAM at the time of release (including me) but s*** is hard
H.A.M. is the one that confuses me. I do want to like it though
Also one of the coolest covers. So detailed and maximalist. Like someone intricately carved a fractal out of gold
this and cruel summer
elite rapping and songmaking from both, classic LP, generational moment
Welcome to the Jungle is underrated
Who Gon Stop Me is underrated
Hov verse >>>>>>>
One of my favorite verses he ever did
My dreams is big, reality set in
Let off a clip from a automatic weapon
Through shots in the door, it died in Vegas
Though it fought so hard, I knew it wouldn't make it
I'm a tortured soul, I live in disguise
Rest in peace to the leader of the Jackson 5
I died in my sleep, I'm still Big Pimpin'
I ball at the mall, beginning of the ending
Where the f*** is the sun? It's been a while
Mama, look at your son, what happened to my smile?
My tears is tatted, my rag in my pocket
I'm just looking for love, I know somebody got it
Champagne for the pain, weed for the low
Goddamn, I'm so high, where the f*** did I go?
I'm losing myself, I'm stuck in the moment
I look in the mirror, my only opponent
Where the f*** is the press? Where the f*** is the pres'?
Either they know or don't care, I'm f***ing depressed
No crying in public, just lying to judges
Riskin' my life, I'm already dying, so f*** it
Elite gym music
Jay on who gon stop me
For some reason it’s gotten “cool” to hate on this song because of the dubstep
People didn't appreciate HAM at the time of release (including me) but s*** is hard
Hov outshined Kanye but Kanye still did what he needed to do on the album
It’s a classic
I’m sorry you can feel how you feel about Jay Z all you want.. it’s no way you hearing what he did on this album and not agreeing that he showed up. Neither of them “carried”. Both equally delivered a great project. Only thing I wish is that we could’ve got Throne 2
Funny thing is I didn’t even listen to this s*** when it dropped lol I went back to a couple years after randomly hearing the Joy. It’s gotten better over time imo
ye carrying or washing him on that was always a bogus take they both did their thing
Kanye Stans who always hated on Jay for whatever reason
I always feel like I want to like WTT more than I actually like it.
Some classic songs, but overall not too impressive an album considering who made it.
collabs are almost always less than the sum of their parts
i think the only collab albums that were more than the sum of their parts were how fly and don trip and starlito
Good album besides the garbage dubstep electronic songs that jay z cant rap n flow on to save his life such as HAM, Who Gone Stop Me, Why I Love You and Illest Alive al9ng with the beginning of trash/corny Kanye bars on those as well
Thats My B****, Otis, No Church in the Wild, Gotta Have it, The Joy and Primetime are top songs in both their discogs
Half the album is classic, part of it is ok/good then the 4 to 5 dubstep songs are trash
collabs are almost always less than the sum of their parts
Yeah, I agree.
I wonder why, tbh
reality is Kanye would & could have made a better solo album out of that material imo, I suppose it accomplished a lot as moment for them as a duo, but ultimately he’s accommodating Hov’s presence more than anything
I think Kanye doing an album that close thematically/aesthetically to MBDTF would have been overkill and he actually got to stay in that Kanye 2010 blog aesthetic world a little bit longer because of WTT at the time when he switched his era and aesthetic every album
It would have been cool if he did it as like a mixtape which would have been a cool thing for Ye to do when mixtapes still mattered