  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I've personaly been inside before and I think the fact that a person that killed someone is in the same cell as a person that stole some food from a grocery store is beyond f***ed up

    the system has many flaws and windows that only a select few can take advantage of.

    Everything from trigger-happy officers to corrupt judges with false accusations is a cry that people work for the system and not the other way around.

    the worst criminals never saw a jail cell so I dont think anything at this point would make a difference.

    niggas really stealin ham and going to prison?

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Just give cops actual education. This whole abolish the police thing is silly af.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    Durkio World

    niggas really stealin ham and going to prison?

    yes, unfortunately

    one of my friends got arrested for stealing like 100$ worth of clothes cause his fam couldnt afford any

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Abolishing police is an unreasonable demand that you negotiate down from with the ruling class. A true abolition can only happen after the revolution when whatever police adjacent body you assemble serves the proletariat as opposed to the bourgeois for the first time in history. At that point the greatest driver of crime will be eliminated: poverty and financial insecurity. Whatever detention is required will be a means to provide treatment as opposed to a means to punish. As you can see, these things resemble their pre-revolutionary function and form so little that "abolition" is certainly a more accurate term than "reform". It calls for a new vocabulary entirely.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I can't believe there is even a discussion about this. But of course only overprivilged westerners would come up with nonesense like this.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    Retain law enforcement but abolish “police” - via defunding, and rather investing into tackling crime, invest in avoiding crime all together

    The police in the world today are simply another gang disguised as a law defenders, and law enforcement right now does more damage than protection. How many public funds is being invested into policing vs education, healthcare, Facilities? How easy is it for such a position of power to be abused? How many people are stripped of their livelihoods and rights for irrelevant “crimes” - those on d*** charges for example?

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Abolishing police is an unreasonable demand that you negotiate down from with the ruling class. A true abolition can only happen after the revolution when whatever police adjacent body you assemble serves the proletariat as opposed to the bourgeois for the first time in history. At that point the greatest driver of crime will be eliminated: poverty and financial insecurity. Whatever detention is required will be a means to provide treatment as opposed to a means to punish. As you can see, these things resemble their pre-revolutionary function and form so little that "abolition" is certainly a more accurate term than "reform". It calls for a new vocabulary entirely.

    You say that as if a social revolution is guaranteed to solve poverty. History shows the opposite.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    You say that as if a social revolution is guaranteed to solve poverty. History shows the opposite.

    Damn dude, I didn't think you knew history like that. I'm sweating bullets. I guess it turns out equitable distribution of resources only leads to gulags. Ben Shapiro told me so.

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 8, 2020

    How the f*** do Americans come up with "a world without police" before "a world without guns".

    Like it literally worked with the rest of the First world.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    It doesn't work. Anyone who thinks it'll work is delusional

  • Jun 8, 2020
    Beautiful Morning

    Fellas itt living in a f***ing fairyland thinking crime would completely stop cause conditions got better lol

    You gonna actually try and defend the position it wouldn't or just gonna s***post and leave thread

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I can't believe there is even a discussion about this. But of course only overprivilged westerners would come up with nonesense like this.

    This is literally an idea put forward most usually by oppressed classes in america

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jun 8, 2020

    defund police send money to mental health treatment and education

  • Jun 8, 2020

    7 out of 8 of these are just flat out ignorant and easily debunkable lol.

    Only one even slightly reasonable is providing safe housing for everyone.

    Go ahead and debunk them then. I'll wait

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    It doesn't work. Anyone who thinks it'll work is delusional

    Explain why

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    You could do a little reading on it and find out.

    Crime is a consequence of condition

    Crime is not always a consequence of condition.

    Even if we create a utopia where everyone has enough to live comfortably, some people will still want MORE — and when humans get that craving for more, they’re willing to do anything.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Explain why

    bro can u link that thread of urs about prison abolishment I can't find it anywhere, I remember people bashing you about it but it was an interesting read

  • It would be terrible. A good and reliable police force is much better than no police force at all.

    Our efforts should be going towards improvement and reformation of the force, not abolishment.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    i like this 8toabolition thing, but i feel like it needs some polish and maybe a "why?" section to further justify and explain the need for changes. maybe including how things would look different after as well. encouraging people to educate themselves and dive into studies and theory is great, but you need to operate under the assumption that people will read the minimum if at all.

  • Jun 8, 2020

    People really think If income inequality was solved there would be no crime?!

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB KarlPilkington

    Crime is not always a consequence of condition.

    Even if we create a utopia where everyone has enough to live comfortably, some people will still want MORE — and when humans get that craving for more, they’re willing to do anything.

    According to who

    Where are all the wealthy burglars

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    bro can u link that thread of urs about prison abolishment I can't find it anywhere, I remember people bashing you about it but it was an interesting read

  • Jun 8, 2020

    This is literally an idea put forward most usually by oppressed classes in america

    Oppressed in America? Sure, maybe.
    Oppressed by world standards? Not even close.

  • Jun 8, 2020
    1 reply

    You could do a little reading on it and find out.

    Crime is a consequence of condition

    Check out something called the Gini coefficient. It's a number which represents how much income inequelity there is in a given geographical area. What you'll find is that "relative" poverty is what actually causes most of the crime.

    Relative poverty IS NOT the same thing as poverty. Absolute poverty means you have nothing to eat. Relative poverty means your neighbour has a better car than you. As you can see from the map above, the US has a higher gini coefficient than most other western countries.

    The reason relative poverty causes higher crime rates seems to be that if men have a hard time acheiving social status, to the point that they feel like the game is rigged against them, they turn to nihilism and violence. And crime is mostly committed by young men.

    Now solving relative poverty is hard, but what seems to work for most developed countries is a balance between free-market capitalism and reasonable social policy (e.g. Scandinavia). That of course comes at the cost of innovation and technological progress, in which a full blown capitalist society is extremely good at (e.g. USA).

    That being said, abolishing law enforcement in America today would be a total disaster.