On the Tory case people automatically went on Megan’s side without knowing the whole story. If Bieber didn’t have evidence idk
Well yea because Megan got shot lol
If Kendrick and Drake have an argument and Kendrick walks away w a bullet wound who’s side do you think ppl would be on
Johnny Depp just lost a court case denying he was a wife beater bro
He was the only one who got the short end of the stick even though his wife was just as abusive
Cardi b got exposed for saying faaaaaar more racist stuff on her social media back in the day then doja cat being in some chat rooms so using cardi as a comparison is a major fail
He lost all of his deals and almost became irrelevant cause of this
This isn't true he lost one deal and Ross never almost became irrelevant because of it. Ross was actually really untouched he even said himself it was blown out of proportion.
That seems more of the fans supporting him causing the industry to keep churning out money with them.
Yea for sure
But you can say the same about the people OP brings up
Like do y’all want us to throw rappers who haven’t been relevant in forever in jail or something to satisfy you?
You can’t cancel someone that hasn’t been hot for the past 10 yeaes
This isn't true he lost one deal and Ross never almost became irrelevant because of it. Ross was actually really untouched he even said himself it was blown out of proportion.
He pretty much lost his peak hype from that point on. He still talented enough to keep a fan base, but he pretty much stayed as a b rapper VS the track he was heading with mmg back in 2013
He was the only one who got the short end of the stick even though his wife was just as abusive
I don't disagree but using him as a victim doesn't fit this at all. The same way women shouldn't rally behind an abuser for they issues you shouldn't rally behind Johnny.
She's getting replaced in Aquaman 2 anyway they already giving him a new love interest and rumor is she'll be killed off
He lost all of his deals and almost became irrelevant cause of this
Not all of them, he still living like royalty lol.
He lives like 20 minutes from my uncle I’ve seen his house
Tory Lanez didn’t get cancelled off word of mouth
There are bullet wounds, videos of the incident and there’s literally gonna be a criminal trial
Johnny Depp didn’t get cancelled he was still starring in movies when the accusations were around. Also what people ignore in that situation is that he’s not innocent. Absolutely amber heard is despicable but Johnny Depp hit her too they both just suck
Show me a video of Tory actually shooting her
I believe Meg was shot but is there any actual evidence of Tory shooting her yet?
And we have zero proof that Depp hit her. You're proving my point that a womans word of mouth is enough to get someone to believe her.
Amber Heard posted heavily edited around videos to document Depps alcoholism and anger issues but he never touched her in those videos and they were edited around hard to make it look like after the video stopped he was going to hit her. But then the full videos came out eventually and showed he did no such thing. Meanwhile, Amber Heard is on TAPE admitting she hit him.
Yet, Warner Bros removed Depp from his major movie roles he had with them but continues to employ Amber Heard, an abusive liar that has been factually proven now.
Not all of them, he still living like royalty lol.
He lives like 20 minutes from my uncle I’ve seen his house
Oh damn lol never mind then
Show me a video of Tory actually shooting her
I believe Meg was shot but is there any actual evidence of Tory shooting her yet?
And we have zero proof that Depp hit her. You're proving my point that a womans word of mouth is enough to get someone to believe her.
Amber Heard posted heavily edited around videos to document Depps alcoholism and anger issues but he never touched her in those videos and they were edited around hard to make it look like after the video stopped he was going to hit her. But then the full videos came out eventually and showed he did no such thing. Meanwhile, Amber Heard is on TAPE admitting she hit him.
Yet, Warner Bros removed Depp from his major movie roles he had with them but continues to employ Amber Heard, an abusive liar that has been factually proven now.
you are so weird
Show me any award show that XXX was nominated for before his death, there are none. All of his press was also centered around the abuse thing too.
The only reason his songs performed well is because he had such a die hard fanbase.
He was even supposed to get removed from all these spotify playlists but it took TDE to talk to spotify to keep him on there.
I aint even a fan of the guy but you're demonstrating a strong bias in this scenario; the guy's just asking why Doja Cat just skated by and collecting awards and performing at award shows so quickly.
I'm not saying she shouldn't, I hate people being cancelled if it's not something criminal, but calling him a "misogynist" and whataboutism doesn't really answer his question.
Ok that’s valid
Xxxtentacion still had industry support but I’ll accept that there were attempts to cut support from places
I think you need to recognize that op is absolutely making this thread about women and a supposed double standard though he’s made that incredibly clear
And there’s a ton of men in equivalent situations to Doja who aren’t being “cancelled” either
S*** just look at Daniel Caesar bro won a Grammy last year and he’s on record saying way more wild s*** than Doja did. No one talks about the stuff he said anymore either
He’s irrelevant NOW.
I don’t know what they want us to do about Ross. He lost his endorsement and he apologized if I remember right?
He hasn’t been relevant since like 2012 idk what else we can do
You're trippin if you think ross been irrelevant for the last 8 years
@op literally just made this thread cause he hates women
He pretty much lost his peak hype from that point on. He still talented enough to keep a fan base, but he pretty much stayed as a b rapper VS the track he was heading with mmg back in 2013
This isnt true he dropped Mastermind after and was doing fine he kidnapped and assaulted someone right after that f***ed him up.
He and his bodyguard kept a man in a locked shed and beat him with a pistol over money. That made brands distance themselves because people were scared of him.
@op literally just made this thread cause he hates women
Because I am calling out problematic women, that means I hate women? You are a f***ing idiot
Because she has a loyal + supportive fanbase, there are countless artists in the industry that have gotten away with much worse
It all boils down to how supportive your followers are
Kanye is a perfect example, he says/does something nonsensical & people do damage control to make him seem like a misunderstood genius
Like do y’all want us to throw rappers who haven’t been relevant in forever in jail or something to satisfy you?
You can’t cancel someone that hasn’t been hot for the past 10 yeaes
That’s not what I’m getting at though
Personally I’ve accepted that there isn’t gonna be proper accountability for rich famous people anytime soon. Always been that way probably always will be
I just think it’s stupid to act like that accountability is limited to men. It doesn’t exist at sll
Going off a point I see in here
Yes in today’s society a women’s word of mouth can ruin a man’s career over false accusations. Absolutely
This doesn’t put down or negate all real accusations but especially with cancel culture and women having a history of being neglected in these situations it’s important a man have evidence in his favor.
Even if he’s found innocent the social ramifications will still be there, unless he’s famous like Bieber
Oh damn lol never mind then
Yeaah you dont know what youre talking about bro the year after that controversy he bought Hollyfield 109 room house
Man was perfectly fine and had cash to spend
Because I am calling out problematic women, that means I hate women? You are a f***ing idiot
You're trying to hold women to a higher standard then men and ignoring any evidence of men being treated the same as the women in op, stop it. You don't want justice or proper treatment you're just mad u got no b****es