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  • Nov 29, 2020

    I wish y’all would stop throwing that sentence around just because you know it will get you some quick Internet karma

    He literally doesn’t hate women he’s just asking a question

    That’s so cringe when y’all say that


  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    11 pages

    hi nosejabs

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    hi nosejabs

    hi blah

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    hi blah

    how are u

  • Nov 29, 2020

    You need to spend some time understanding what evidence is in criminal justice
    You don’t need a full HD video of something happening for someone to be guilty otherwise no one would ever be found guilty
    The stuff I mentioned IS evidence. It’s factual stuff that corroborates her story

    Johnny Depp literally had a court rule that he also engaged in domestic abuse lol

    that same court ruling called Amber Heard a brave woman for speaking out against her abuse when there is literal evidence of her admitting she abused and hit him and edited videos to her favor. There is zero proof he hit her even once.

    And again, there is still zero evidence Tory shot her regardless of if there is video or not. Did they even prove he was in the same car as her at the exact time of the shooting incident?

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    how are u

    pretty good im watching star wars rn

    how are u

  • this thread hot

  • Nov 29, 2020

    it was a humiliation ritual. iykyk

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Well yea since you won’t even acknowledge that the same s*** happens to men

    You’ve defended EVERY man brought up itt

    I've only defended Johnny Depp because he is genuinely innocent.

    The other men, I have all explained how they have suffered real set backs

  • Nov 29, 2020

    easy, cuz she a female.

  • Nov 29, 2020


  • Nov 29, 2020
    RX figtalk

    He's not doing that bro look at his responses this s*** gets thrown around as a joke for a reason

    At most it just means he’s ignorant

    But no contrary to popular belief most people on here don’t go around saying “GRRR I HATE WOMEN” and that joke is so tired

  • Nov 29, 2020
    RX figtalk

    @op literally just made this thread cause he hates women

    Y’all too quick to pull the misogynist card

  • Nov 29, 2020
    2 replies

    I said unless you’re famous.

    The average guy in society can get his life ruined by false accusations.

    Ok didn’t see that

    I think you’re still playing into societal rape myths a little though
    I acknowledge that in situations it can happen but any legal process isn’t gonna find a man guilty on an allegation that didn’t happen
    On top of that the rate of false allegations is around 5-10% and something like 80% of rapes go unreported
    There are massive issues in how sexual violence cases are handled in the justice system but they hurt victims far more than they hurt the accused

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Nothing that came out was damning enough

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    the last jedi is so good

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    pretty good im watching star wars rn

    how are u

    I'm okay I was playing gran turismo 3 trying to do all the license tests but some are really hard like at first I was trying to get golds but that's like impossible they must expect you to be an actual racecar driver so i am settling for bronzes

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Ok didn’t see that

    I think you’re still playing into societal rape myths a little though
    I acknowledge that in situations it can happen but any legal process isn’t gonna find a man guilty on an allegation that didn’t happen
    On top of that the rate of false allegations is around 5-10% and something like 80% of rapes go unreported
    There are massive issues in how sexual violence cases are handled in the justice system but they hurt victims far more than they hurt the accused

  • Nov 29, 2020

    yea I’m done this ain’t worth the effort

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm okay I was playing gran turismo 3 trying to do all the license tests but some are really hard like at first I was trying to get golds but that's like impossible they must expect you to be an actual racecar driver so i am settling for bronzes

    i tried to play that last year but all the car customization options were too intimidating

  • Melz ⚜️
    Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    he guilty as sin b

    ive a***yzed that audio so many times

    he never truly said that he did it

    he says that he f***ed her up which easily couldve been mentally especially if the girl said she lied

    im not saying he didnt do it but that audio isnt really proof

  • Nov 29, 2020

    Man pulling up sports articles from 2015

    Lock it up!

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    OP is weirdly misogynistic

    Are we ignoring how everyone knew R Kelly f***ed kids and yet he stayed relevant with artists working w him for decades

    Or how xxxtentaction beat the f*** out of his girlfriend and wasn’t in jail

    Or how many artists have substantive sexual assault allegations rn

    Or how Fab beat and knocked out his current girl's teeth yet still gets posted on shaderoom/ballertalert blogs daily as "goals".

    Or how Madeintyo beat the s*** out of his baby's mother and never got cancelled for it.

    Actually crazy.

  • Nov 29, 2020

    the mulatto syndrome, I know people around me who had it

  • Nov 29, 2020
    1 reply

    thread going by fast so nobody will see this

    I kiss my homeboys on the forehead when they fall asleep

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