It’s kind of incredible. I’ve never seen someone not only continue to remain successful after doing something f***ed up like this but literally have everyone conveniently forget about your controversy.
Cardi B comes the closest with how she admitted she d***ged and robbed men, but getting exposed for racism is way more damaging to your career than d***ging men. Even though we all know if a male artist d***ged a woman against her will, he would be in jail.
She's black and black male artist have said equal to or wilder and slid. Hell Dr.Dre just said sorry for beating and raping women in his life.
This Hip Hop fam no cares about morals!!!!!
Also Chris brown has had one of the most apparent fall offs of all time
Not only do people continue to not forget he literally assaulted a woman, a woman that has defended him every single time since the incident and continues too, but he literally has lost his entire status and rep as one of the top pop artists
Wtf are you talking about
That happened cause he stopped making great music
He also literally had top 10 hits months after it happened
the girl came out and said she lied about x
there's literally a recording of half the s*** on there
nobody cares about isolated tweets
The facts at the end of the day are, this is a guy who went from having top 5 hits every year to not even sniffing the billboard anymore. He got one hit rn cuz of Thug and there has been zero backing by the industry for it.
And he still has some fans obv but considering he was legit one of the biggest artists in the world before the rihanna s*** shows you just how drastic a fall off he’s had
Y’all actually hate women it’s crazy
I know that’s a meme to say on this site but the s*** y’all will defend is CRAZY
I'll never forget that a few years ago some girl said this s*** about CB to me irl she was a weak minded girl so I'm sure she heard it from a friend and copied her. A lot of young ppl have that sheep mentality.
Yes thank you.
10 women randomly agreeing to still let a famous pop star f*** them means he hasn’t fallen off
Yea like some people here think I’m meaning that some controversy has to cause every person who loves that artist to not love them anymore to count as “not being able to get away with it”
But someone like X is still getting called out for his domestic abuse. It’s one of the biggest talking points about him even now after his death.
But NOBODY talks about cardi or dojas s*** as they continue to be marketed to children and put on public television and propped up as great people
Might get smoked for this but I noticed most of KTT/r/HipHopHeads bash on Tory after the Meg incident. Tory was blacklisted from many places and now we see he’s not guilty for shooting Megan and we’re seeing her and her friend beefing. I’m not picking side since I don’t know the whole story but I feel like Megan should’ve got the same energy after he was found not guilty
Wtf are you talking about
That happened cause he stopped making great music
He also literally had top 10 hits months after it happened
He never made good music to begin with
He just made trendy safe music and cuz he looked good and could dance rly well, he was extremely popular
He never fell off musically because the quality of his music has always been what it was: safe and trendy pop music.
nobody cares about isolated tweets
The facts at the end of the day are, this is a guy who went from having top 5 hits every year to not even sniffing the billboard anymore. He got one hit rn cuz of Thug and there has been zero backing by the industry for it.
And he still has some fans obv but considering he was legit one of the biggest artists in the world before the rihanna s*** shows you just how drastic a fall off he’s had
Deservingly so
Chris Brown beat Rihanna and Kanye turned into a MAGA supporter for relevancy. This isn't close to being the worst thing an artist has done but I agree it's awful and she's a self hater i stopped listening to her after she got exposed
They’ve gon on record saying that they have both been in multiple altercations like that sometimes her doing the same.
Yes thank you.
10 women randomly agreeing to still let a famous pop star f*** them means he hasn’t fallen off
That wasnt my point bruh
F*** chris brown and anyone who made light of his actions
Chris Brown never recovered from the Rihanna incident so get that talking point out of here
Did anyone REALLY care about this Dona Cat incident outside of Twitter. She was in a cringy chat room saying edgy stuff. Big whoop. Plus she’s black so at best she’s just a female Uncle Ruckus that no one takes seriously
how TI get away with his disgusting remarks about his daughters virginity
What do you mean, get away?
He hasn’t been relevant in over a decade so what’s there even for him to lose
I’m still wondering when someone is actually gonna show some proper evidence that she’s racist over that incident.
All I saw was people saying that because else uses a chat room that alt right racists also use with their friends.
By that standard, everyone who uses Twitter is automatically racist because of all the right wing xenophobic bullshit on there as well.