Eating meat
idk how as a man, you put warm flesh in your mouth
All them fleshy juices squirtin’ into your mouth
Fk u op u hypocrite eat a cows d***
If you were capable of seasoning it properly and weren’t such a d*** about serving me I might have considered it c*c
We're not meant to use plumbing.
oh is that why you smell like dat ? because people started wondering about u bruh
oh is that why you smell like dat ? because people started wondering about u bruh
Just make the ethical/environmental argument. It holds more water than appeal to "human nature".
If you were capable of seasoning it properly and weren’t such a d*** about serving me I might have considered it c*c
Dinner is served
lotta cannibals say its the most like pork except d*** addicts and people with tattoos taste awful
lotta cannibals say its the most like pork except d*** addicts and people with tattoos taste awful
You been researchin the lifestyle, my brethren?
Animals eat other animals.
If we aint supposed to eat meat then explain to me why there are instructions on what animals to eat in Quran, Bible and Torah?
Wrong. Most humans are meant to eat meat. Our body - most - is literally built for it. Its the literal natural order & there are essential health benefits from meats (not all meats do the same thing btw). And yes you can supplement most of it with vitamins and such these days, but not everyone has the money nor access even in first world countries - and some things although minimal its still not the same. And some people need the benefits of meat more than others.
Cow good pig bad is a relgious thing that has nothing to do with reality. Both are fine within reason to eat as long as its prepared properly - from a scientific & health context.
"At the same time I don’t agree with the vegan lifestyle either , because even though I get that with the modern reality of mass farming where cows and chickens are essentially tortured for their milk and eggs , it’s like bruh , instead of abstaining from eating that stuff altogether , you ought to just try to find a manufacturer that produces and sells those things while treating the animals humanely - im sure there are farmers out there who are willing and able to comply with those ethics in mind ."
There are "humane" farms lol theyve existed since forever. Free range, cage free, field raised etc. Its pretty basic knowledge that you seem to not even be aware of.
I think the mass farming IS F***ED UP tho. It is not necessary at all. In fact, most of it goes to waste. It way overproduces & way overpollutes while making life for animals 10 times way harder and nasty that is not needed - which also creates diseases for humans as well. Its only that way on the most mainstream level because its the cheapest & laziest way. It also takes a lot to undo all the mass processing once its already in place.
I eat meat, i dont have a problem with eating meat - but i do try to eat what i deem ethically. As in my meat consumption is low most the time plus as much as possible I eat from more ethical and if i can independent farms. Even in mainstream dime a dozen grocery stores such as Walmart or Target etc. these options exist. Its up to YOU tho to seek the products & information out.
You dont sound very read on the subject in either direction & only going off of emotion lol.