Who do you think has taken the quickest shortcut from being a nobody to prominence as the face of a multi billion dollar industry , and how can you disagree with the answer being Dana white ?
This guy went from being chased out of Boston by whitey Bulger to all of a sudden transforming a minor league fighting organization into the NFL of combat sport and I've never seen his story told in a sensible and cohesive manner ,
Seriously , I can't think of anyone besides Hitler who went from relative obscurity to worldwide infamy + all encompassing power in the blink of an eye
Charlie Chaplin grew up in Victorian poverty in the 1890s, working in an Oliver Twist-style workhouse at the age of 7 to support his family, appeared in his first movie in 1914, and by 1916 was the highest-paid entertainer in the world
Charlie Chaplin grew up in Victorian poverty in the 1890s, working in an Oliver Twist-style workhouse at the age of 7 to support his family, appeared in his first movie in 1914, and by 1916 was the highest-paid entertainer in the world
He's not a great example because we more or less know exactly what he did to get to where he was at each step of the way , you know ?
Probably some mfers investing in crypto that became multi millionaires (maybe even billionaires) in a span of a few years. This not as glamorous tho and way more luck than skill
Who do you think has taken the quickest shortcut from being a nobody to prominence as the face of a multi billion dollar industry , and how can you disagree with the answer being Dana white ?
This guy went from being chased out of Boston by whitey Bulger to all of a sudden transforming a minor league fighting organization into the NFL of combat sport and I've never seen his story told in a sensible and cohesive manner ,
Seriously , I can't think of anyone besides Hitler who went from relative obscurity to worldwide infamy + all encompassing power in the blink of an eye
dana white's rise wasn't really quick though. it took him years to rise from coach to manager to president to owner. there's some sketchy stuff in his history though no one asks about, probably for good reason.
he was randomly friends with a massive multi-millionaire (maybe even billionaire even back then), Lorenzo Fertitta, who he basically just convinced to buy UFC and instate him as the guy in charge. at least to me this never made sense, Dana couldn't afford to pay back a gangster $2500 just a few years before but the whole time had someone in his phone he could just dial and convince to give him $2M no strings attached?
jay z has to be up there he ran a major record company after 7 years old annually releasing big albums and boosting emerging acts
He's not a great example because we more or less know exactly what he did to get to where he was at each step of the way , you know ?
What's so confusing about what I said
Charlie Chaplin followed a relatively straightforward path to professional success whereas Dana quite clearly has not , unless you have insight into the gaps in his almost non existent resume I don't , in which case I would love for you to share what you know as that was the essential purpose of this thread
What's so confusing about what I said
Charlie Chaplin followed a relatively straightforward path to professional success whereas Dana quite clearly has not , unless you have insight into the gaps in his almost non existent resume I don't , in which case I would love for you to share what you know as that was the essential purpose of this thread
That’s not what you asked for
Do you want to talk about a quick ascension or a not-straightforward ascension
What's so confusing about what I said
Charlie Chaplin followed a relatively straightforward path to professional success whereas Dana quite clearly has not , unless you have insight into the gaps in his almost non existent resume I don't , in which case I would love for you to share what you know as that was the essential purpose of this thread