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  • 2words

    The fact she got to that point is so bizarre

    Like why do rich white people love her so much? Roc nation went crazy it’s almost some sinister secret society s***. Bey doing that huge Grammy moment co-signing her and now Hov liking tweets defending her. The whole Tory thing stinks of Hov

    Cuz of TikTok and them wanting to be in tune with the kids so bad

  • Nov 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Nothing will change regardless of the outcome.

    If Meg is telling truth, there will be a segment of people that still believe she lied.

    If Tory is telling the truth, there will be a segment of people still believing he lied.

    Look at Meg’s interview with Gayle. She got caught lying yet still has a bunch people defending her

    What did she lie about?

  • Nov 5, 2022

    I cannot believe people still defend her

    Every time she does an interview on the incident, her story always changes

    Of course people have a right to be SOMEWHAT skeptical on whether or not she's speaking the truth or not

    She made this so much worse for her

  • Nov 5, 2022

    hate that this has become such a talking point... who cares

  • Nov 5, 2022

    What do y’all mean megs changed her story? Hasn’t it been the same?

  • Nov 5, 2022

    This Tweet Has Been Deleted.

  • Nov 5, 2022
    4 replies

    If we had sharia law, she'd face the full consequences of her actions. But we don't, so people will forget about it.

  • Nov 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Prison Mike

    What did she lie about?

    Having an intimate relationship with Tory

  • Nov 5, 2022

    She-Hulk will die.

  • vayla

    If we had sharia law, she'd face the full consequences of her actions. But we don't, so people will forget about it.


  • Nov 5, 2022

    If we had sharia law, she'd face the full consequences of her actions. But we don't, so people will forget about it.

  • Nov 5, 2022

    Nothing would happen except a lot of deflection and social media clowning for a week

  • In the event Tory is found not guilty it’ll probably won’t be because there’s evidence vindicating him, it’ll probably be because there was reasonable doubt he was the perpetrator. This will allow both of them to maintain their narratives, she’ll still be supported by the mainstream because of her female empowerment s*** and he’ll stay half cancelled but still successful. I find it unlikely, even where he is found not guilty, that he’s able to clear his name.

  • Nov 5, 2022

    The fact she got to that point is so bizarre

    Like why do rich white people love her so much? Roc nation went crazy it’s almost some sinister secret society s***. Bey doing that huge Grammy moment co-signing her and now Hov liking tweets defending her. The whole Tory thing stinks of Hov

    I mean Hov is just protecting his brand since she’s his artist. There’s no conspiracy behind it. If it turns out she lied they’d just release a statement and drop her from Roc Nation. Not like she makes them that much money

  • who is tory lanez for her to lie on let’s be serious

  • Nov 5, 2022
    Smoking Rules



  • Nov 5, 2022

    If we had sharia law, she'd face the full consequences of her actions. But we don't, so people will forget about it.

    Federal Informant of the Year: 2013, 2014
    Anti-Suffragist, Misogynist
    Sharia Law believer
    Against PC Gaming
    Ana Perrote fanclub member #27

  • Nov 5, 2022

    Having an intimate relationship with Tory

    when & where (genuinely asking)

  • Nov 5, 2022

    If we had sharia law, she'd face the full consequences of her actions. But we don't, so people will forget about it.

    This isn’t funny + The f*** is up with your bio? How are you even here?



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