Though its been intensified by stress, family problems, and celiacs, I’ve decided I’m just gonna keep my s*** cut low buzzed off with the razor. S*** looks so much better now just trying to go for 09 Orton now
To anyone Having doubts about It, trust me you will feel a lot better buzzing it
I hate this advice. Not everyone looks good bald lmao. As soon as I start losing hair i'm hopping on finasteride and getting a hair transplant if it gets bad.
My hairline is s***ty af but this makes me ok with it
this is right after the transplant of course it looks weird smh. Just like any invasive surgery what do you expect, it to look completely healed right after they just cut his head open and poked it with a needle 1000 times?
in 6 months that will grow into a full head of hair and he'll look 10 years younger
I had to unembed it man s***s too nasty
I would rather be bald forever than have to look in the mirror and see my head like that, even if its just a few days
just wear a hat
That mf must've hurt
Not sure if its worth it...if my s*** started to recline then I'm just going the fully bald route, idgaf
I wish my s*** started receding a little, my hairline extends too far down and I could go for a bigger forehead
Donate some of that to ur habesha brother in need
Michael Jordan paved the way for us black men to not look like serial killers/rapists if we go bald
Michael Jordan paved the way for us black men to not look like serial killers/rapists if we go bald
My s***s looking like Steve aystin
Buy Rogaine, invest in good hair products to promote hair health and growth. Grow out the hair to cover it up a bit and you good for 15 more years