Hold up how this nigga got Steve urkel glasses and pre-dental Cardi B teeth yet he tryna talk about someone else’s looks 🤔🤔
He not even creative with his checks. He kept repeating the same thing cause that's all his idiotic brain could muster.
Yo what happened to Lil Tay?
Child services took her away from her mother iirc
Child services took her away from her mother iirc
Actually nvm her dad is forcing her to be in Canada and be normal while her mom wants her to go back to LA and be a meme I think
That was a really funny time on social media
Lil Tay ain't funny looking back and with new info
The whole thing just felt shady and manipulative
Different generations have different values
Nothin b****in gonna do about it
Nah, this not a different value. Just niggas being stupid and corny.
Nah, this not a different value. Just niggas being stupid and corny.
It is..
New generation takes nothing of any historic value serious.
They spit in the face of history and anything held sacred with mockery and trolling
That came to dominance through the internet.
Championing trash rappers is a form of trolling the older generations and daring them to criticize their music choices so they can call them dust and salty..
It’s just how the tides have turned unfortunately
There’s a reason why generations prior didn’t act like this. Generations prior were mature well before their time. Today’s generations are immature well after the time to mature
Thus leaving us with 69 and the likes